Twitter Tuesday~The Best Of

This week I decided to start something new for Twitter Tuesday. I wanted to spotlight some of the best tweets for writers and book lovers. I'll be doing so every other week and writing about a great person I found on Twitter the other weeks. You aren't going to want to miss these tweets, they are fantastic! The @ symbol before a person's name means it is their Twitter name. The # symbol means it's a hashtag, or ongoing conversation that can be followed by looking up that word. See my post on Twitter hashtag's for a more in depth explanation of that.

@WritersDigest Agent Advice: Seth Fishman of Sterling Lord Literistic - "Agent Advice" is a series of quick interviews with literar...

@thecreativepenn The Write and Wrong Way to Promote Your Book via @bookgal

@NathanBransford The one question writers should never ask themselves when reading:

@JaneFriedman No. 1 thing that sells books is word of mouth--which is driven by emotional power of book. (Hensley) #mww10
#MWW10 is the hashtag for the Midwest Writers Workshop 

Now you non-Twitters know why I rave about Twitter so much. Its to writers what the Rosetta Stone is to linguists. There is so much information and so many great connections to make. Your writer's platform can't afford to be without it.


  1. Thanks for rounding up the good stuff for us, Heather! You rock! :-)

  2. You're welcome Shannon! Thank you!

  3. Thanks Heather - some great posts there. Addicted to Twitter as I am I still managed to miss those. That is kind of the problem with Twitter I feel - it's so transient it's esy to miss really useful or interesting tweets like these.

  4. Heather, these were all great links. Thanks!

  5. So true Simon, that is one of the unfortunate parts of Twitter. There is so much great stuff going on there it's hard to keep up. That's part of why I wanted to start this feature.

  6. Thanks Julie, I'm glad you liked them!


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