Twitter Tuesday~Contests, Query Tips And More

Twitter was much more lively this week, which means lots of great tweets for you! This first one is about the millionaire success of self-published author Amanda Hocking. Her story is part of what inspired me to take the plunge:
@KappaDeltaWrite Excellent interview with @amanda_hocking on her journey to becoming an indie writing trailblazer.

Writer's Digest is celebrating hitting a momentous number of posts on their GLA blog with a giveaway!
@WritersDigest To celebrate 1500 posts on the GLA, there's a double book giveaway. Just comment for chance to win both

An agent offers up a helpful query tip:
@RivetingRosie #querytipplease include your email after your sig in a query letter. Even if it appears at the top. Makes requesting a lot easier

Get those query letters ready, agent Gina Panettieri announces a new agent at her agency: 
@ginapanettieri Our new Associate Agent, Rachael Dugas, started today! She'll be doing YA, contemp fiction, romance & women's fiction, memoir, arts & more.

Agent Vickie Motter retweeted this from agent Rachelle Gardner about the harsh truth of landing an agent: 
@Vickie_Motter RT: Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent: What are the Odds of Getting an Agent?

The fabulous blogger Shelley Watters brings us another amazing agent judged contest with agent Victoria Marini: 
 @Shelley_Watters First Page Contest with Judge @LitAgentMarini   post is now up! Go sign up!

On Chuck Sambuchino's blog, author Jess Haines gives marketing tips: 
@WritersDigest How to Promote Yourself and Your Book - As an author, you have to promote yourself. This is how people become aware ...

Writer Jolina Joy retweets this tweet about why authors need to plan on marketing, not matter how they are published (yes, that means traditionally published authors have to do their own marketing too!):  
Chuch Sambuchino introduces us to a new agent at the Jabberwocky agency: 
@WritersDigest New lit agent seeking fiction and some YA: Jessie Cammack of JABberwocky Literary

I just had to retweet this post by my friend Candyland. Anyone seeking an agent or currently signed with one, PLEASE READ THIS and beware: 
@HeatherMcCorkle RT @candylandgang In case you're unsure of what your gut is trying to tell you regarding an agent, READ THIS

Writer's Digest brings us this tweet about the PNWA conference, which is amazing by the way. GO if you can! 
@WritersDigest Iive in the Pacific Northwest? Check out the PNWA Conference in Seattle (Aug. 4-7, 2011)

I know I missed some tweets due to being buried to my eyeballs in editing so feel free to leave me a comment if there is a particularly good one you want to share!


  1. Wow, there are so many valuable things in this list of links. I will definitely be reading them in depth. thanks!!

  2. Ooooh, these are some good links. Bookmarking with a big fat star in Google Reader! :)

  3. My tweet about a PitchFest for YA and Romance writers happening NOW!

    PitchFest for YA & Romance writers. Get feedback from 7 agents! Hosted by @pitchuniversity with @RomanceUniv

  4. My dog just ran away and my kids ran out to search for I'll be back to check out your great links!!!! better run christy

  5. Linda, you're welcome!

    Karen, thank you! Yay a big fat star for me!!!

  6. Tina, that's awesome! Thank you so much for letting us know about your tweet. I'll add it...

    Christy, oh no! I hope you find him safe.

  7. I love the info about putting your email beneath your signature. I've wondered that! Thanks!

  8. Oh, great tweets, Heather! You keep good track. I miss everything. Or I would without you ;)

  9. Salarsen, I wondered about that too! I'm so glad she tweeted it.

    Carol, I'm glad I could help. :)

  10. This may be your best round-up ever, Heather!! :-)

  11. Wow, thanks for all of these great links!

  12. Shannon, wow, that gives me a lot to live up to next week!

    Domey, you're very welcome! Thanks for visiting.

  13. FANTASTIC info this week Heather... Thank you so much.

    I hope all is going well with your book....

  14. Candyland, you're very welcome sweety. :)

    Michael, you're welcome. Things are going great. more news to come soon!

  15. Love your Twitter Tuesdays! Thanks for the links, Heather.


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