Twitter Tuesday~Crickets Due To BEA

The agents and editors have been scarce with the tweets lately. I think it may be in part due to the excitement left over from BEA. But I did manage to catch a few for you! This first one is golden advice from agent Rachelle Gardner
@RachelleGardner Writing credentials and platform don't sell your novel, your WRITING does. Important truth in fiction! #pubtip 

Worried about the stigma of self-publishing holding you back from getting an agent? Agent Mandy Hubbard shines light on the subject:
@MandyHubbard epubbing pre-agent probably wont make a big impact either way, unless its a v. successful book.#askagent

Agent Deirdre Knight reminds us that Twitter isn't just for promotion:
@DeidreKnight Here's a #pubtipPls don't use Twitter just to endlessly self-promote without any genuine interaction. That's basically a #tweettip too 

If you write Sci-Fi/Fantasy then you don't want to miss this:
@WritersDigest Agent @LucienneDiver Teaches "Writing Science Fiction, Fantasy & Paranormal" (With a Critique) June 9 

Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest's wonderful best tweets for writers:
@JaneFriedman Best Tweets for Writers Daily is out! 

This reoccurring guest column on Chuck Sambuchino's blog is always filled with great info:  
@WritersDigest 7 Things I've Learned So Far, by Liane Moriarty - This is a reocurring column I'm calling "7 Things I've Learned So F...
That should keep you busy while you're sipping your coffee. Be sure to come back tomorrow when I share the first stages of my journey to publication. If I missed any great tweets let me know! 


  1. Heather, these are great tweets! You just continually amaze me of all that you do to support everyone. And, in turn it helps us too. That's what I love about the writing community... the support system.

  2. I love that you keep track of these for everyone! Rachelle Gardner always seems to have a lot of advice that's both positive and useful. It's nice, because some of the agents can seem a little negative on Twitter, or maybe it's just bc they're venting. Who knows.

  3. Karlene, aw, thank you! That's what I love about our community too!

    Lindsey, I know what you mean. I love Rachelle's tweets in part because she is so positive!

    Shannon, you're welcome. :)

  4. Thanks! I've missed a lot this week. I'll check out the fantasy/sci fi link! christy

  5. Jennifer, you're welcome!

    Christy, glad I could help!

  6. Awesome job Heather! I missed most of these, so really appreciate the catch up!

    Angela @ the Bookshelf Muse

  7. These are great! Thanks so much for posting all of these! Hope you have a fantastic day!

  8. Angela, thanks! I'm glad I could catch them for you!

    BooKrushers, you're very welcome! Thanks, I hope you have a fantastic day too!

  9. Heather, I missed all of those! Thanks so much. I'm forwarding the sci fi one to a friend :D

  10. A tweet summary! Good stuff! I am still learning the ropes of Twitter...

  11. Right! It seems BEA was crazy this year! Anyway, thx for sharing ;D

  12. Julie, excellent! It's a great seminar.

    Alexia, thank you. I'll help out in any way I can. :)

    Monica, I wish we could have been there! You're welcome for the sharing. You know me, always up for the sharing. :)

  13. Hi, Heather,

    Once again some great tweets. Thanks for the information. You are always so helpful to us.


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