Monday's Muse~Fall Road

I’m working on a secret project that I hopefully get to tell you all about soon. This image inspired me as I worked on it the project last week. Like the picture, this project is a dark~channeler related~one, and that’s all I can give away about it right now.

Last week I finished reading The Selkie Spell by Sophie Moss. It was a beautifully written tale of Irish lore that I absolutely adored. For a full review click here. Now I’m reading Artemis Rising by Cheri Lasota and am loving it. Such a rich story, in such a rich setting, I highly recommend checking it out.

What inspired you last week? Reading anything great that you’d like to recommend?

Picture credit: Design by CP Design, pictures from: © Moswyn | Stock Free Images &Dreamstime Stock Photos


  1. A bullying situation last week inspired me to write my today's post.

    I love Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry. It's exactly the kind of book I love to read.

    1. I'll be sure to stop by and read it. I've heard Pushing The Limits is good, I may have too give it a try.

  2. Looking forward to hearing what the secret project is. :D

  3. Secret project...ooh. Good luck with that!

  4. The complexity of people inspired me all week. An amazing species, with the ability to choose (almost all the time) where and how to use our energy.

    1. I love that outlook! Makes me wonder what you've been up to this last week!

  5. Congrats on your secret project!!
    I'm reading Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst. Very fun! After that I will read Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier. I can recommend both.

    1. Thanks Lin! And I haven't heard of either of those so I'll be sure to check them out.

  6. Yay for secret project. I'm reading OUTLANDER by Diana Gabaldon. It's been in my TBR pile forever, and happy to finally get a chance to read it.

    1. I'm embarrassed to say how long that one has been on my to read pile. And I've really been wanting to read it! You'll have to let me know how it is.

  7. Love those fall leaves. :) Can't wait to hear all about your secret project.

    During my vacation, I read THIS IS NOT A TEST by Courtney Summers. It was dang good.

    P.S. Love the new blog header for RISE OF A RECTOR.

    1. Thanks Karen glad you like the header! Hmmm, I'll have to check that one out. Can't wait to hear alla bout your vacation!

  8. Beautiful Road... How inspiring! But what inspires me is the new look. I love it! Beautiful! Excellent job.

  9. Heather, my name is Amy McCorkle and I'm from Kentucky. I was wondering where you were from and if we might me related? My fifth book (first print, is due out in October. My father's people are from Munfordville. Just curious.


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