Wednesday Writing Goals~Anthology

Last week my goal was to finish the first draft of my short story for the Winter Wonders anthology, and I did! *happy dance* No, I will not insert a video, trust me, you don't want to see it. I haven't revealed what this one is about yet so you're in for a bit of an inside scoop today.

This short is an epic fantasy type of short complete with elves and dragons. Oh yeah. I'm going back to my roots baby, and it feels GOOD! Why the switch, you may wonder? Well, next year my very first epic fantasy novel is releasing from Compass Press! And the short story is about one of the main characters in my epic fantasy novel. So it's kind of a sneak peek. I'm just full of great announcements today. Hey, what can I say, it's one of those days.

How about you? Did you meet your writing goals last week? What are they for this week?


  1. Congrats! There's nothing like finishing a first draft. I can't wait to read the story.

  2. Congrats on finishing! And cool that you're getting back to your epic fantasy roots!

    1. Thanks Lydia! I couldn't be happier, for both reasons!

  3. Congratulations on finishing your draft! :)

    I love the sound of elves and dragons.

  4. Sounds exciting! Usually is to start a new project! :)

  5. Great news. I have foul luck when it comes to short stories. In all the years I've submitted, I have had only one accepted. I look forward to reading yours.

    1. Me too Roland! Short stories are probably one of the hardest things to place.

  6. Excellent strategy,you little dancing elf! (or are you a dragon??) Sounds like fun!

  7. Heather, I am so excited for you!!! Yay. We need to set up a great party for your release in Seattle. This is a great idea too. Congratulations!

    I did reach my goals. I finished first draft of book two. And today awoke at 3 am and have been working on first round of edits. 54 pages complete.

    Now...time to get a root canal. But that's the least of my worries. Hopefully everything will stay down today. (There is a reason I awoke at 3 today and didn't sleep the night before. ;) I can be your creature feature if you want.

    Keep up the great work. You motivate me.

    1. LOL! You would be an interesting feature indeed. A mom, grandma, wife, and pilot that lives on no sleep! Congratulations on reaching your goal, that's excellent! And I would LOVE to do a launch party in Seattle with you ladies. :)

  8. Heather - How exciting. I've downloaded. Thank you!!!

  9. How very exciting! Congrats on your release. I haven't been doing very well lately with it being the beginning of the school year. Hopefully next month will be better!

    1. That can make progress tough! Hang in there. :)

  10. I applaud your goal-setting-and-keeping prowess!

    This, I'm afraid, is a thing that I am dismal at! Its so stupid, and you'll probably laugh... but I HATE setting goals, because then I feel like I'm "confined" to a certain standard. Like I HAVE TO finish a certain thing OR ELSE... [fill in blanks with bad stuff]... its like MY OWN goal setting cramps my style.

    So stupid. And idiotic. I'm aware.

    But it's a mental block I can't seem to shake. Any suggestions?

    1. You need to make it fun. Not an 'or else' kind of thing, but a reward after your accomplishment. It can be a small reward or a big one, all up to you. That's what helps me!


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