Halloween Urban Fantasy Blog Hop

Before we get to the tour fun, today I'm taking part in Yelena Casale's Halloween Urban Fantasy Blog Hop and giveaway. My mission is to answer the following questions, then check out each participant in the hop. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to visit each hop, enter each giveaway, and win awesome prizes! I'm giving away an eBook of Transcend, the psychological thriller hailed as Phantom of the Opera meets Black Swan written by the acclaimed Christine Fonseca. To enter, choose any of the questions below and answer it in the comments. Contest ends October 31st.

1. What do you love about the urban fantasy genre (reading and writing)?
Everything. I was weened on the stuff so it is like mother's milk to me. The adventure, the danger, possibilities, and of course the creatures.
2. Who is the sexiest supernatural creature? Who’s the scariest?
Since I won't choose between my own sexy men from my books, Damon from the Vampire Diaries. 
3. If you could make any supernatural creature, what would it look like and what powers would it have?
Channelers of course, humans with the ability to manipulate energy into a physical force for fighting or healing.
4. Do you have any Halloween rituals?
I love to carve pumpkins, bake the seeds, decorate the house, and watch my favorite scary movies.
5. Walking at midnight in a forest on Halloween – crazy, scary or adventurous?
All of the above and I would totally do it!
6. What is your worst fear?
Losing people that I love.
7. What is one of your character’s worst fears?
Not being able to save the world.
8. What is your favorite Urban Fantasy novel?
The very first Anita Black Vampire Hunter novel. 
9. Who is your favorite Urban Fantasy hero/heroine?
Buffy, hands down.
10. Which hero/heroine would you love to be on Halloween?
Buffy of course!

Don't forget to choose one of the questions above to answer in the comments and you'll be entered to win an eBook of Transcend! And be sure to click on this link to check out all the other great stops on the hop and enter all of their contests as well. Happy trick-or-treating!

As for my tour fun, today I'm over at the Write Of Passage with Aunt Sylvia from the channeler series. I hope you'll drop by to say hi.


  1. Haloween does seem ready made for those of us who write urban fantasy, doesn't it? Hence, I guess, my latest WIP, THREE SPIRIT KNIGHT. Alice and Victor are basically the poster children of Halloween! It was great learning more about. I share your greatest fear, Roland

    1. It really does! Congrats on your latest WIP! I can hardly wait to hear more about it.

  2. Buffy!!!! How could I forget about Buffy? I had a ridiculous obsession with her in Junior High and pretty much wanted to be her. Okay, so maybe I still do. :D

    1. Yay another Buffy fan! Those characters totally rocked.

  3. I know, I didn't even realize that I didn't think of Buffy until I read Heather's post! lol Buffy all the way! :)

    1. *high-five* I should have known you fabulous ladies would be Buffy fans. ;)

  4. I actually hate Buffy, or rather Joss Whedon. Did he realize how hard he was making it for us writers, by proving that you can have badassness, love, laughter, tears, great ensemble characters, and unexpected twists all in one show????

    But seriously, I don't think any of us would be the writers (and maybe the women) we are today without Buffy and the Scoobygang.

    1. LOL! No kidding, that is one tough act to follow.

  5. Love your choice for favorite supernatural creature. :)

  6. What is one of your character’s worst fears?
    Dying, which is why she must choose between death and saving those she loves in the end.

  7. I'm right there with you with Damon, he is super sexy =)

  8. This is so cool! I had just learned about Urban Fantasy, and Halloween could not be a better time. It's mood enhancing and opens all sorts of doors. "Trick or Treat!"

    1. Handing out only treats here, of course! LOL! We've got to get you into reading some urban fantasy, you'll love it.

  9. I used to bake pumpkin seeds when I was a kid. :)

    1. I've always loved doing that! It's one of my favorite parts of the holiday. Plus I love all things pumpkin. :)

  10. Oh, yes, Damon is a top pick. And not surprising from you, miss Ian Somerhalder Foundation lady. ;-)

    Love the rest of your answers, too. I need to go back to Buffy. I was too busy with 3 little kids to get too far into the series. Yay for Netflix!

    1. Well you know, I've got to support my foundation finder. :) And yes, you totally need to get back to Buffy! The series gets better and better as it goes along.

  11. I LOVE roasted pumpkin seeds. I'm not sure if we're going to do them this year. The kids got pumpkins that are too small to carve. :P

    1. Yay another pumpkin seed fan! We seem to be few and far between.

  12. Mmmmm. Pumpkin seeds are the BEST. Love to bake them with just salt.

  13. Oh, man! I wih I would have known about the Halloween Hop :( Anyways, I enjoyed reading your response! Urban Fantasy is a great to escape the real world while still keeping your feet planted in the "modern world", I think that's why so many people can relate to it :) It's not too hard to picture the evnts that are happening and you don't have to put too much time and effort into creating a "high fantasy" world which gives you more time to build up your dialogue and characters. I'm going to go check out your books. Have a great day!


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