Wednesday Writing Goals~Start Anew

My goal last week was to finish the final rounds of editing on the project I was working on, and I did! *throws confetti and dances in it* Finally I feel as though I've broken free of the undertow and am starting to rise above water. Now I can relax and get ready for my release celebration and tour for Rise of a Rector coming up next week.

I've been MIA a bit on the blog scene lately because I've had a lot to do domestically as well, what with moving to a new house and working on selling the one we're currently in. Plus, the holidays are coming, fast. Hang on to your pocket books peeps, it's just around the corner. But before that craziness starts I'm embracing my favorite holiday of all, Halloween! My tour for Rise won't be like most tours, of course there will be stops at other blogs and interviews, but here on my blog I'll be taking part in some Halloween fun. Check back next week for more on that.

As for reading goals, I've been going slow because of the editing I've been buried under. I finally got to start reading The Help though and wow, just wow. This book is a MUST read. How about you, did you make your writing goals last week? What about reading goals?


  1. You've got a lot going on! Moving is tough. Hope yours goes smoothly. Congrats on meeting your goal!

    1. Thanks Lin, on all counts! I need all those good vibes. :)

  2. Eep. The thought of moving still gives me the hives. I moved I think 7 or 8 times. I've lost count. Congrats on getting those goals!

    1. That sounds like about how many times I've moved. I love it though, change is good! And hopefully this move will be the last. Aside from retirement in Hawaii. ;)

  3. Good luck on the tour; and congrats on meeting a goal.


    1. I finally got started with reading Insurgent. I had to wait four months to get it from the library!

    2. I'm curious as to how that book is. I hope you'll let me know if you like it!

  4. My goodness, you have been busy! I'm diving back into work after vacation and hoping to conquer jetlag!

    1. I have indeed. I saw your vacation photos, what a beautiful wedding! Coming back to work after a good vacation is always hard, my sympathies. :)

  5. Congratulations on finishing your edits! :)

  6. Hi, Heather.... I can so relate to your business. How exciting moving into a new house! Congrats! I am currently under renovation in my condo creating a REAL working space for me. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about it.

    Congrats on succeeding in all your writing adventures. Looking forward to your release. I am on limited time too... WIth design work, editing, and reconstruction. So I know...

    Let's not even MENTION THE HOLIDAYS! EEEEEEEEEK! Once Halloween arrives it a milisecond to Christmas.

    Working on edits today while the construction is going on, but I had to stop by and say HI ......

    1. Thanks for dropping by, it's good to hear from you! I'm creating an actual office in my new home too so I share your excitement!

  7. Congrats on making your goal. *throws more confetti at you* Halloween is one of my favorites too. Oooh, maybe you can decorate the new house all creepy and stuff.

    Good news on my end, my software release are out next week, and I'll be able to breath for a month. A whole MONTH. I'm going to get SO much writing done! Yay!

    1. Yay! I'm so happy you finally get a break, you've more than earned it! And yes, I hope to be able to decorate the new house. Looking forward to it so much!

  8. I'm so behind on my writing goals, but that's partly because I came up with a SNI, and have to do a lot of research before I can start plotting and working on characterizations. Plus, I doing an experiment, which I'll be blogging about soon.

    Good luck on achieving this week's goals, Heather.

    1. I'm intrigued, I can hardly wait to read about it! And thank you. :)


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