Celebrating YA Books with a Giveaway

The fabulous author of YA sci-fi, Beth Revis is doing a giveaway worthy of her fabulousness, and just in time for the season of giving. Check this out!

One lucky winner is going to win an entire library of SIGNED YA BOOKS. That's right:
Every single book in the giveaway is SIGNED. And when Beth says library, she means library--there are nearly FIFTY books up for grabs! Wanna see the stash?

First up, you'll get a signed copy of ALL Beth's books:

To see the rest of the signed books you can win check out the link to the right, on my sidebar just below my followers. --->

And as a last special treat, if the entries for this contest hit 10,000--which I know you guys can do--I'm adding more books to the grouping, After, the dystopian anthology I was able to be a part of--and it's signed by eight of the authors in the antho, including Gregory Maguirre and Ellen Datlow!

Bonus book!

SO! How do you win this plethora of SIGNED YA books?! There are several ways to enter: you can tweet about it, Facebook, etc., but I figured that with a bigger prize, people who do extra deserve extra entries.

The simplest way to earn extra entries is to share the graphic I designed for the contest (and also please share this link, too). To make it easy for you to share this, Beth has included the html for the graphic at that link. You get extra entries for putting it in the sidebar of your website, but you can also share it on any social media as well. Best of luck! Enter HERE.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Kelly! I hope you'll come back next week and enter. :)

  2. Wow! That is a giveaway and a half. SIGNED books! Great of you to help a friend! Roland

  3. Oh my gosh, this is a huge giveaway! You guys are amazing with your energy and generosity!


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