The Channeler Series Book Trailer

At last, my channeler series has a book trailer! It's a simple one but I love it and I'm super excited to share it with you. Hope you enjoy:

These things are so much fun to make! I think I may have found a new past time. You can find the channeler series on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository and more.


  1. Oh my goodness. Love that! Love the depth as you pan along. So cool. Love the pretty elements in it.

    1. Thanks Lin! I was really drawn to the elemnts too.

  2. Heather, this is awesome! You are so talented and I love your books. The trailer is amazing.

    1. Thanks Karlene! We'll have to get together and make one for yours.

  3. Very cool! You just keep coming up with new ways to develop your talents. Nice work!

    1. Thanks Linda! You know me, always looking for a new creative outlet. :)

  4. That was very awesome! I'm very sorry that I missed you before you left, darn vacation! I'm so proud of all that you have accomplished and I know you are going on to very great things. I will miss our talks for sure, but I am so excited for you and can't wait to read all the awesome books you are going to come out with in the future! You had better keep in touch lady!! :) I wasn't sure how else to get in touch with you, so here is my email!

    1. Thank you Jama! We'll stay in touch for sure.


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