New Book News

For those who have been wondering what else I'm up to, I have news. This fall my first new adult novel is releasing! It is a fantasy novel set in the same world as The Dragon Empire. This is the story of Torin and his journey to becoming The First Dragonwatcher. Those of you who have read The Dragon Empire may recognize his name from it. He takes front and center in this epic fantasy. This is a step outside of YA for me, one that will not be suitable for some younger readers.

Why the move from YA you may be wondering? Mostly because fantasy (no YA tag attached) is where my roots are and I'm returning to them. But it's also because there are other characters out there who's stories I must tell, and not all of them are teens. While I still love YA and will continue to read and enjoy it, my books are embarking on a new journey. One I hope you'll take with me. To check out my Pinterest inspiration board for this novel click here. To add it to your Goodreads lists click here.

Here is a rough synopsis in progress:

Yacrana dances on the edge of war between dragons and the races of people. But the great dragon empire has a plan to secure peace.

Since his mother's close encounter with a rogue dragon, Torin hasn't had a good night's sleep. When he is approached by the emerald dragon Grendar with a proposal to become the first dragonwatcher, he leaps at the chance. Yet it is no easy path to ensuring the safety of his kind as he had hoped.

Torin must spend time with each race of dragon in their homelands, learning about their customs, beliefs, and fighting styles. Not only is he not welcome by all but there are those that will go to any lengths to ensure he fails.


  1. Oooo, sounds intriguing! And yay for the first new adult novel! :)

    1. Thanks Yelena! I'm crazy excited to be venturing into NA!

  2. Big congrats Heather! Sounds like a great book. Good luck with it.

  3. It does sound absorbing and riveting. It's on my To Buy List when it comes out!

  4. Heather, you never cease to amaze me...

    CONGRATS on your new adventure. I can totally understand you needing a different outlet. My current WIP is a film noir novella set in 1940's Chicago. I LOVE y/a and will go back to it as well...

    1. Thank you. :) That sounds like a fun venture into different territory!

  5. Ooo. Sounds intriguing!
    Best of luck! :D

  6. Congrats, honey and yay for new adventures!

  7. Heather... this sounds exciting! Wow. You have so many fun things in the work. You amaze me!


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