Recap of the #WritersRoad chat: Do You NaNo?

So, how many of you are participating in #NaNoWriMo this year? #WritersRoad

#NanoWriMo KILLED me last year #Writersroad

Gonna say at the outset I don't do #NaNoWriMo. Mostly due to work pressures. Retail at the holidays means little time #WritersRoad

@LM_Preston Each time I've tried it, it has been hard for me too. #WritersRoad

I want to do #NaNoWriMo, I'm just not sure where I'd find the time. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle One of these days I'll have a job that allows me the time to do #NaNoWriMo. One day. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil I've only done it once. But when I'm working on my series, I can usually get a 1st draft done in a month or less. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil Sending good thoughts for you to find that job! #WritersRoad. When you do, hire me too. :)

@HeatherMcCorkle @LM_Preston I think the best bit abt it is the opportunity to give you a good "skeleton" draft. #WritersRoad

Hey all! Going to be popping in and out tonight. Trying #NaNoWriMo again this year, but "my" way. More words on the weekends. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle I think that's a very common problem, especially in November #WritersRoad

NaNoWriMo is a great way to organize ur draft, but I don't think u can participate & boom have a publishable draft. #WritersRoad

A little late. Are we talking #nanowrimo? I cleared 6,000 words today and I'm so sleepy. #writersroad

Think of #NaNoWriMo as a great way to get through your FIRST draft. Trust me, you shld go through many #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle I'm just using #NaNoWriMo to give myself a push this year #WritersRoad

@teetate I'm actually using #nanowrimo to rewrite a draft from 2 years ago. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle Makes more sense for me work wise. I try not to put too much pressure on the 50k, but it helps give me a goal. #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle It's just too much of an inspiration not do use in some way, even if it's not in the full sense of it :) #WritersRoad

That's my biggest hurdle with #NaNoWriMo. I don't like to write first drafts, because I tend to edit as I go. #writersroad

I know some people say you should just get the first draft on paper, but I've never found it to work for me. #writersroad

Editing as I go helps to give me a cleaner draft and make the editing process a little less painful. #writersroad

The easiest & surest way to succeed in writing (including NaNoWriMon) is to set daily goals & stick to them. #WritersRoad

@Tina_Moss Oh no! Stop editing! *smacks hand* #WritersRoad

@Tina_Moss Outlining does that for me. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle I know. Just doesn't work with #NaNoWriMo, but it does work for me. So, hard to give it up. :( #writersroad

So what motivates you to keep writing even when it looks drear? #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle @Tina_Moss I'm definitely not a pantser. I need order. I need to know where I'm going. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil Great question! The characters motivate me. I research their background/culture. It helps. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil lol deadlines. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Makes sense. Gives you an idea of who they are behind the face. #WritersRoad

@teetate @Nightveil That and small daily goals. #WritersRoad

The beauty of #NaNoWriMo is that you have a team supporting and encouraging you. #WritersRoad

I think my biggest problem is that my job requires that I write a lot. By hand. For hours on end. Don't want to do that after. #WritersRoad

My tips for winning #nanowrimo: Cheat and write the first page before Nov. 1 and write a very detailed outline. Ha! #writersroad

@Nightveil That would definitely kill the desire. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle @teetate I've been trying to do the 1k a day thing as often as I can. Usually my days off. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle I honestly think that's what gets me through. The community atmosphere is motivating! #writersroad

@Nightveil Have you tried the voice activated thing? Dragon I think it's called? #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle I've thought about it. I've tried the stuff that's in Windows natively. It sorta works. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil @HeatherMcCorkle If I don't hit daily goals, I catch up. I can do 5-10k words on the weekends #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle The problem with all of them is that you have to be very specific with punctuation, which kills the flow. #WritersRoad

@teetate You're my hero. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Oh it's not every weekend, trust me. I can go days w/o writing but when I do write, the spurts are huge. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle One day we'll have speech recognition that won't need the specificity. A long way away, though. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Verbal and written speech are completely different monsters. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil We need that invention Stephen King dreamed up in one of his books. Records thoughts. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil Don't beat yourself up. I've been working on one story for almost three years.Sometimes we arent ready to write it. #WritersRoad


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