Book Review: The Vampire Hunter

Nope, not Buffy. But still good in a sexy, grown up book kind of way. Not that grown ups can't enjoy Buffy, I know I did. I'm probably one of her biggest fans. But, this book has a certain heat level that not even Buffy reached.

This is a unique take on the 'all paranormal creatures are real' sort of world. Told from the Hunter's perspective~and he is one yummy, tormented, sympathetic hunter~this tale of love in all the wrong places stole my heart. The characters are rich and deep, their connection~though instantaneous~felt organic and believable. Kaz hunts vampires that harm humans. Zoe concocts a magical substance to help vampires kick a horrible addiction that is running rampant through their race, turning them into mindless, murdering monsters. Their paths intertwine in more ways than one and the heat level between them is off the charts despite some tangles in their developing relationship.

The world is highly developed with some very original ideas that kept me reading and guessing. I'll never look at vampires or fairies the same again, and that is a very good thing. I would recommend this for all fans of adult paranormal novels.

Find it on:

Amazon / B&N 


  1. Sounds like a great boo. Thanks for the review. P.S. your covers are beautiful.

  2. Hi Chris, thank you for stopping by and for following. I'll drop by your blog. :)

  3. Heather!! It's been too long. Great review. I haven't read an adult novel in so long. When I'm ready, I just might have to try this one. Thanks for posting. Christy (Remember me?)

    1. Hi Christy, of course I remember you sweetie! I miss you and Erica! I'm the opposite, it's been forever since I read YA. I'm transitioning out of it so I've been reading all adult and I'm loving it!


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