New Year, New Resolutions

I love to set resolutions. They are like huge goals, and I love goals. I take them very seriously, stick to them, and check my progress throughout the year. It keeps me focused and motivated. Yep, I'm that kind of crazy. This year's goals are some of my biggest yet.

#1 Focus on fitness. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and when the blood is flowing, ideas and words flow easier for me. So, I resolve to exercise each day. This one is off to a good start with two seriously hard hikes under my belt already this year, and daily workouts as well, some small, some big.

#2 Write every day. My goal is three pages a day at least to help me reach my goal time of finishing the steampunk novel I'm working on.  I haven't quite hit three pages every day, but I'm close!

#3 Pursue traditional publishing. I'm doing good on my own, but I want to revive my dream of working with a publishing house that shares my vision. Already off to a good start with two fantastic publishing houses considering my latest manuscript. Cross your fingers for me!

#4 Chat with my friends more often. Yep, you read that right, more often. 2013 pulled me away from social media, a lot, and I've lost touch with many of you, and I miss you! This year I plan to find that balance between work and life. On my way to visit blogs right now to work on this one.

#5 Attend a great conference. I've already booked my flight to the RT Book Convention in New Orleans and I'm crazy excited. I get to meet my fantastic friend Tee Tate in person, as well as others I'm hoping!

So what about you, do you set resolutions or goals? Do you post them so you can check back and see how you did?


  1. Sounds like you've got some great goals and are already moving forward on them.

    Fingers crossed for you on the publishers.

    1. Thank you so much Natalie! I'll take all the good vibes I can get in that arena. :)

  2. I love your goals! I'm working on setting mine now and making sure that they are achievable. My biggest goal this year is to work on self-discipline, which translates to successful management and completion of my other goals. I'm also re-committing to my writing this year. And yay for RT! Tina will definitely be there and I will be there 99%, and we're very excited to meet you in person! :)

    1. It does indeed, great goal! I get to meet you both?! OMG, I'm SO excited!!!

  3. I'm great at setting resolutions, not so much in keeping them. So I'm using my Post it notes to make and keep smaller goals like finish a short story by this time, edit another by this time frame, things like that. It's been helpful.

    I do have to consider the exercise thing. Butt-in-chair is good for getting word count in, but also very good at adding on the pounds if nothing else is done to balance it. So I will work on that aspect too :-)

    Glad that you're off to a great start for the year :-)

    1. Great idea! The pound part can be tough, especially when the words are flowing and you don't want to stop writing. That I totally understand. :)

  4. Good luck with your goals - I stopped making new year's resolutions as I'm rubbish at keeping them :-)

    1. Thanks Kate! I'll take all the good luck I can get. :)

  5. I know what I need to accomplish this year -- finish my current manuscript, then write another book and a novella -- but I'm not so much for resolutions. That said, I totally admire yours! Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate and this year is going to be awesome!

    1. I love a full plate. :) Resolutions aren't for everyone though, but so long as you find what works for you, that's what matters.

  6. These are great goals. One of my major goals is better life balance with a less stressful job and more time for writing. Scary but it will be worth it! Continued good luck on the writing.

  7. Many of my goals mirror yours, Heather. Especially in regard to reconnecting with people more and to focus more on my health. I hope that this year my writing can journey a long with me as opposed to me making it my no. 1 priority. Balance is key. Wishing you success on your traditional publishing dreams!


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