Book Review: Blades of the Old Empire

Elements of The Tudors (minus the sex) mix with The Sword of Truth (minus the gratuitous violence) in this medieval tale of magic and court intrigue. Strong roots and parallels to history keep the reader grounded and enrich the world of this novel while magic and the characters keep it fresh and interest.

That said, it was not for me. There are undertones of religion that were too thick for my liking. The whole religion against magic thing just never has set right with me, and while it makes for an interesting book, it's just not the type I like to read. That coupled with the court intrigue~which is another element that causes me to fall asleep rather than turn the pages~made this a book that is not for me.

However, it is well written, contains interesting characters, and many are going to love it. So please, don't discount it on my hangups, as they are mine and mine alone.

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  1. That cover is bad ass though. :) Love how the light is shining down on her and all of her weaponry.

    1. It is fantastic isn't it? It's a huge part of what drew me to it.

  2. Sorry you didn't love this. Don't think I would if there was lots of religion either.

    1. Yeah it just wasn't my thing. I like my religion separate from my fiction.


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