Book Review: The Wolf Siren

This is a paranormal romance of a very different, and delicious, flavor. While I love werewolf stories, I must admit, there are so many out there that they begin to blend into one another, many sounding the same after a while. This is NOT one of those. This novel is special, brilliantly unique in many ways both for romance and paranormal. I have not read the first novel in the series, but it isn't necessary. This one stands on it's own. However, it was so good that I'm going to go back and read the first one.

The romance develops in a slow, believable pace between Lilly and Kane, and with good reason considering she has just been freed from years of captivity. Lilly is an emotionally damaged person that Kane has no intention of taking advantage of, or falling in love with. This tenderness and the careful way the author develops the relationship between the two of them was so refreshing that it made the end result that much sweeter. If you are a fan of paranormal romance then you absolutely must read this novel!

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Disclaimer: A copy was provided by the publisher to me through NetGalley for an honest review. This review is not compromised or influenced by that fact in any way. 


  1. Whoa ... this cover is just like - yeah.... Wow! Thanks for sharing it, Heather!

  2. It is powerful, isn't it? The book struck me the same way.


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