#WritersRoad Chat: Choosing the Right Agent

Last night we had a fantastic chat on the #WritersRoad on Twitter and I thought I'd share some of the highlights with you. Here you go:

Pitching to the right agent is just as important as having your pitch perfect. #WritersRoad

You need to personalize your pitches. It not only shows that you did your research, but that you want that agent for a reason. #WritersRoad

If you receive an offer of rep, don't hesitate to contact agent's clients as well for recommendations. #writersroad

Remember that you are one among many. Stand out, be nice & leave ur nerves at home. #writersroad

Things to note: Big agents are great, but understand that they have a large client base which often means less one on one time. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle What if nobody wants your genre right now? Passé? #writersroad

If ur shooting for multiple genres, research what agents would fit all. But research is key. #writersroad

@peach83352 That happens. Don't forget, you have options. Just because agents don't want it doesn't mean readers don't. #WritersRoad

Pitching in person isn't too different from querying, except that you need to engage the person you're pitching to. #WritersRoad

For those of you gearing up to pitch, what are you most nervous about? What are you struggling with? #WritersRoad

Remember, agents are always looking ahead, at what WILL BE hot, not what is. That's why what IS, is harder to sell/pitch. #WritersRoad

@teetate Filling the empty space. I prefer short pitch times. #writersroad

Make eye contact when pitching in person, try to relax, breathe, and let your passion for your story come through. #WritersRoad

Before pitching decide: Do you want an agent that is editorial, developmental, or hands off? Important things to know. #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle And dressing professionally with a touch of style can't hurt either, right? #WritersRoad

Try as much as possible to remember: It's business. It's not personal. Easy to say, hard to do, I know. #writersroad

@Tina_Moss That said, got any good questions you like to ask? #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle Depends on who you're pitching. Editors: How many editing passes are typical? What's average turnaround time? #writersroad

For agents: What's preferred communication with clients? Do you recommend edits before going on sub? If so, how many passes? #writersroad

More agent ?: How does your sub process work? Short batches or all at once? May I recommend pubs or editors for sub list? #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle Depends on who you're pitching. Editors: How many editing passes are typical? What's average turnaround time? #writersroad

When pitching in person: Always leave time for discussion. Don't make your pitch so long it takes up the entire 10 minutes. #WritersRoad

For agent/editor: What is your ideal client relationship? What expectations do you have from/for your authors? #writersroad

For agent/editor: What is your ideal client relationship? What expectations do you have from/for your authors? #writersroad

I'm good with questions. It's just remembering them in the moment. Did I mention note cards? :) #writersroad

@HeatherMcCorkle Keep it short and fill it with hooks, just like you'd do if you were querying in writing. #WritersRoad

@Nightveil @HeatherMcCorkle Sometimes writers are not so good with personal interaction. Basics: Breathe. That really helps. #WritersRoad

Good point by @Tina_Moss. When pitching in person: Wear good deodorant, and chew mints before your pitch! #WritersRoad

You're nervous to pitch your thing. Don't forget to shower beforehand. #Sweatisnotourfriend #WritersRoad

@HeatherMcCorkle LOL! Sum up: ask questions, don't be stinky, and don't be an arse. #writersroad

And guys, shave or at least maintain that thing you call a "beard". You don't want to look like this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alan… #WritersRoad

Remember, many NY Times bestsellers received dozens, even a hundred or more no's before landing their agent. Don't give up! #WritersRoad

Practice your in person pitches in front of the mirror, to friends, family, just don't lose your passion when pitching. #WritersRoad


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