New Genres and Tie-in Inspiration

You know those moments when inspiration strikes you so hard you expect to be bathed in the white glowing hallow of a spotlight from the light-bulb over your head? Yep, one of those struck me. I can't say too much as one involves a novel out on submission, but I can say that I discovered a perfect way to tie it in with another series of mine. I'll only say, those wanting another channeler novel may get their wish in a round about way.

I'm also thrilled to share that my writing hiatus is over! I started writing a new book today, in a genre that is new to me. I've written historical, and I've written paranormal, but I've never combined the two, until now. I'm excited about this one. It centers around a true historical mystery that was only recently brought under new light. And a paranormal touch seemed to be just what the story needed to start flowing.

Want to keep up with what is inspiring my work? Come see me on Pinterest!


  1. Isn't it great when inspiration hits after a season of quiet? Best of luck with your new novel!! :-)

    1. It really is, Roland! It is making me even more excited about this one.

  2. I think I might have flupped my comment to you. I asked: isn't it great when inspiration hits after a quiet season?

  3. Congratulations on the new inspiration and the beginning of a new book. And I had to laugh at the comment, a season of quiet, I think that could be wishful thinking for all of us. When is that season????
    You keep going strong! Hope to see you soon!!
    XO Karlene

    1. A quiet season would be a wonderful thing, wouldn't it? Hey, we write fiction, we can make that happen. ;)


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