October Inspiration

From pumpkin spice mochas (yep, I said mocha. You latte peeps can keep your milk, show me the chocolate!) to the changing colors of the leaves, everything about October inspires me. While I miss summer terribly, I am embracing the crisp air and fresh ideas that come with fall. I started my October off with a hike to the top of Black Butte (one of the many great hikes out where I live). It was an incredibly foggy day so I didn't get to see the 360 views of all the other mountains, but I did get an eerily beautiful experience instead. So it was a win in my book! Speaking of fresh new ideas, here comes one now. Time to go write!


  1. You know, I've been thinking about trying the mocha route. Yes, I like the PS lattes this time of the year. But it's kind of getting old. Think I need to shake up some chocolate. :)

  2. Gorgeous picture and a fun time in the mountains. Inspiration comes in million places, and I'm with you... nature and Fall. My favorite time of year, as these are my colors of comfort. No... time to get inspired too.

    1. Fall is wonderful isn't it?! I love everything about it!

  3. Beautiful picture of one of the many reasons I'm glad I live in Oregon. I love it when things spark new ideas, and to me nature is one of the many things that can bring out those ideas.

  4. Nothing murmurs to us quite as evocatively as wilderness areas. You look to be having great fun. I envy you. :-)

    1. It was a blast! I'm so glad we've taken up hiking. It is fun and gets my imagination working!

  5. That's great you're embracing the season change. Me too. It's been pretty warm here so far, so it's not been hard to do.

    1. Same here. No piercing cold yet, just a nice, slow transition. I'm loving it!

  6. Ahhh, I love autumn. Crisp days and nights, gorgeous leaves. Halloween! I wish I had cool places to hike near me!

    1. Me too, Alexia! Autumn is the best. I'm very blessed to live in an area with so many great places to hike and enjoy, and good weather to enable me to do so!


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