So Much To Be Thankful For

This year I have so much to be thankful for (some of which I can't announce yet, but soon, my lovelies, soon!) that I feel truly blessed. It has been a hard year with the loss of loved ones, but karma is at last balancing itself out a bit. I'm reminded of all that I have, and am grateful beyond measure. You, my readers and writer friends are top among the things I am thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by people you love, and blessed with much to be thankful for. 

What are you thankful for this year?


  1. I am thankful for the good friends in my life -- of which I am lucky to count you. No hurricanes this year!! Yay! Health, Home, Useful Work, and my Dream still alive. Rather a lot to be thankful for. May this holiday season bring you only happiness. :-)

    1. That is a lot to be thankful for! I'm very thankful to count you among my friends as well, Roland. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Thankful for my husband who keeps on going. And my friends all over. (:
    Also, I hope our karma is also balancing out this year.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    1. Some years it seems as though it never will, then suddenly it does. Hang in there, good things are coming. :)

  3. I have SO much to be thankful for... friends and family for sure. Releasing Black Magic and Mojitos. Signing with Sandy. Getting a raise. Lots of other things! It's been a great year :)


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