Holiday Book Recommendation Time

Books are a fantastic, easy gift, especially now that nearly everyone has an eReader of some form or another. You can buy a book for someone online and have the eBook immediately gifted to them, which makes for excellent last minute shopping! I'm also a firm believer that there is a book for everyone. These are a few great books that I recommend for those on your list (genres listed):

Magical Realism
For those that loved The Time Traveler's Wife

Historical Romance

Paranormal Romance

Island of the Forbidden


  1. Thanks for recommending THE LAST SHAMAN TRILOGY -- its paperback edition looks stunning due to your graphic design of its cover. :-)

  2. Thanks for recommending FOTB and for sharing an awesome list of titles to add to my kindle :-)

    1. You're welcome, my dear! Of course, I recommend all of your books as they are all wonderful!


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