The Heart of An Author's Career

Readers, reviewers, and book lovers, you are the heart of an author's career~my career. I could not do what I love to do without you. As I'm growing closer to the day of a big announcement, I've finally  put together a team to honor you. For those interested in being the first to find out about my latest releases, cover reveals, signings, special giveaways, or receive sneak peeks of my work before anyone else, I've created Heather's Heartland. Find out a bit more about it at this link

I'm looking forward to connecting with you all even more through the Heartland! 


  1. Ooh, can't wait to hear your big news. Excited for you, Heather!

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I can hardly wait to share it with you!

  2. Like Natalie, I'm really curious about your big news. :-)


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