The Power of Reviews

If you're like me, when you're shopping for books online, you check the reviews before purchasing, or when you're wavering on whether or not to purchase, or just deciding if it is right for you. For this reason alone, reviews are vital. They help people decide whether or not to buy your book. And, if you're like me, and a book doesn't have very many, or any, reviews, you might hesitate, wait to ask a friend, move on to another book, and potentially forget completely about the book your were originally contemplating. 

Statistics show an item with reviews is 65% more likely to be purchased. Enough reviews also improve the search rankings of books, bumping them up to the top of related searches. And even more reviews means Amazon will put the book in the "also purchased by" recommendations. So when you see authors asking for reviews, this is why. It greatly impacts their livelihood.

That said, if you've read any of my books and haven't had a chance to review them yet, I would be eternally grateful for a review left on sites like Amazon. It makes all the difference in the world! It doesn't have to be long and wordy, a sentence or two will do. 💗


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