An Exciting New Writer's Conference

If you're a regular here on Heather's Odyssey you've probably heard me rave about how you really should attend a writer's conference to help advance your writing career. You've heard me go on and on about everything I've learned at conferences and the wonderful connections I've made. And some of you, unfortunately, are bound by responsibilities or financial budgets and haven't been able to take my advice on attending conferences. My heart breaks for you, literally, because I hate to see people held back because they can't attend a conference. Today my heart is very happy though because I have an exciting announcement to share.

A group of six great authors have come up with the fabulous idea of putting on a free online writer's conference for kidlit writers. Elana Johnson, Casey McCormick, Jamie HarringtonLisa & Laura Roecker, and Shannon Whitney have put their heads together to create WriteOnCon. There are already a bunch of agents, editors, and authors who've signed on to participate. As long as your protagonist is eighteen or younger then this conference is for you! It's occuring August 10th ~ 12th so mark your calendars, check out the ladies websites, then run over to the link for WriteOnCon and find out all about this unprecidented opportunity! Writers, you don't want to miss this, it's going to be huge.


  1. I'm so curious as to how this is going to work out. And psyched!

    ...and hey! I can comment today! (I'm on a different computer, hmmm.)

  2. I just heard about this conference yesterday. I love alllll those bloggers/authors. Thanks for spreading the word.

    And you're so right, conferences are an awesome way to improve and learn and speed up the writing journey. :)

  3. Lydia, you made it! Yay! I'm really curious to see how this will work out too, and excited.

    Olleymae, I know, you know it's going to be good because of all the wonderful people organizing it!

    You're welcome Lynsey!

  4. I can't wait for this conference. Wow, between this one and the LA SCBWI, I'm going to be one happy writer come August. :D

  5. I know what you mean Stina, August is going to be a great month!

  6. I've seen a lot of excited murmurs about this on twitter. :D What a wonderful opportunity!

  7. This sounds great, Heather! I hope that it won't be a one-of-a-kind, and that it might encourage other similar conferences to take place like this.

    Unfortunately my protag is 21. So, I can't join in. But I hope everyone has fun.

  8. Glad to hear word of it is spreading so quickly Amanada!

    It does sound amazing doesn't it Lorelei? Like you, I hope it will spur other conferences like it but with more genres for other writers. It's a wonderful start though!

  9. Wow, this is the first I've heard about on online writing conference. Sounds great. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I'm very curious to see the format of this conference.

    I started going to conferences this year. I've been to two, and they really do help you build connections.

  11. That's amazing! What an awesome way for these writers to give back to the writing community. My MC is older than 18, but I do have a 12 year old character who is moving to the forefront ... Boy, is she a challenge to write! She's not a child, and she's not a mini-adult either.

  12. You've got to check it out Koreen! It's being organized by some of the best YA/MG writer's out there!

    Me too Medeia! Knowing the girl's though, it's going to be something to remember!

    You should definitely drop in the conference Portia, it could help you develop that character. Not to mention the great connections you'll make!


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