What I'm Up To

This week I'm in New York for the NYC Pitch and Shop writer's conference. For those who haven't read my prior posts on it, it's a different kind of conference where you get to pitch to editors from the big publishing houses instead of to agents. The only workshops and classes are those which focus on improving your pitch. This conference isn't about improving your work, but selling it. By now I've already pitched to my first editor and am gearing up for tomorrow when I'll be pitching to two more. When I get back I'll tell you all about it but for now you can catch tidbits when I manage to squeeze time in on Twitter. Wish me good luck!


  1. Good luck! Have fun in New York!

  2. I hope you did great (past tense, since you are there now working on the pitch)

    Can't wait to hear what happened!!!!! (:

  3. Good luck! But I'm sure you won't need it. I have a feeling you be awesome, and that a book deal will be in your future.

  4. Thanks everone, it has definitely been interesting so far. I've met some fantastic people and I'm learning a lot about how both editors and New Yorkers think and work. When I get back I'll tell you all about it!

  5. Good luck!! I can't wait to hear about your experiences.

  6. Thanks Amanda, things are mixed, good and bad, as most conferences are. I have good news, pop over to Twitter to find out what!

  7. Heather - I hope it's going well! Did I read a snippet of congrats on Twitter?? I hope so! Well, anyways, when you get back/catch a break stop by my blog, I left you a little something.

  8. I've seen some tweets that sound like the conference is going well! I've got my fingers crossed for you :-) Happy conferencing (and pitching!)

  9. It was very interesting Lisa and Portia, thanks. And yes, I did get a request from one editor that I'm crazy excited about! Keep those fingers crossed!


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