Twitter Tuesday~Submitting Advice

Last week was a good week to catch some excellent advice on Twitter. Never fear if you missed it, I caught it for you! Writer's Digest brings us this tweet from an author who sold to a publisher without an agent:
@WritersDigest I Have a Publishing Deal But I Still Want an Agent. Here's Why...

Looking for great agent blogs? Look no further...
@WritersDigest Announcing the Best Agent Blogs of 2011... - Every year, Writer's Digest puts out its amazing brainbomb of informati...

If you're querying you need this book!
@ChuckSambuchino I am giving away a copy of the 2011 GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS (interview with Red Sofa Lit)

Agent Weronika Janczuk give us the inside scoop:
@WeronikaJanczuk New blog post! Manuscripts I Take On: 1. Is everyone following literary agent Jenny Bent's blog Bent on Books (a...

Jane of Writer's Digest brings us a great list of tweets for writers:
@JaneFriedman Best Tweets for Writers Daily is out!

The following are tweets from agent Laurie McClean from the conference she attended last week:
@agentsavant Avoid the 16-year-old whose powers activate when the hot new boy in her class shows up unless it is truly different and well-written #WLTYA
@agentsavant Make your characters relatable, especially with specific quirks and foibles. Multi-cultural traits are great too. #WLTYA
@agentsavant What about the age range for YA? 12-18 is the sweet spot. Write for this age group and if adults like it too, great. #WLTYA
@agentsavant Trends...Elena encourages everyone NOT to write to trends. Your book will last a lot longer when it does get published. #WLTYA
@agentsavant Mary says read enough of current YA to know the YA voice because it changes rapidly over time, but don't follow trends in subjects.#WLTYA
@agentsavant It seems like contemporary is coming back. Paranormal is still strong. Smaller publishers are good audiences for historical fiction. #WLTYA
@agentsavant Character-driven science fiction is starting to become popular. #WLTYA

Hopefully that gives you your weekly fix of agent advice and great tweets!


  1. Great stuff to pass along! I'll go tweet now.

  2. Thanks Heather! These are awesome.

  3. Thanks for the advice!!! Hopefully now I have a clearer pic for my novel :))

  4. Love, love, love your twitter Tuesdays. Thanks, Heather! (and I hope you had a safe trip home)

  5. I always look forward to your Tuesday posts. I have so little free time to investigate the cyber world these days. May your own publication dreams come true soon, Roland

  6. Lisa, thank you so much! I'm not able to tweet a alink today so I really appreciate that!

    Laura, you're welcome! I'm glad they were helpful.

    Fida, you're welcome. :)

  7. Julie, thanks! I had a great trip home. :) Ready to put all that new knowledge to work now!

    Roland, you are so sweet, thank you. May all your dreams come true too!

  8. Thanks Heather,

    These are so incredibly helpful....

  9. Great agent information. I'm headed to check out the WD blogs now. Thankyou!

  10. Great tweets, Heather! I really like that last one. I'm not surprised character drive SF is picking up. I think character-driven books in general, with strong plots, are the best books. Period.

  11. This is great stuff! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Michael, you're very welcome!

    Linda, those are great links, you'll love them!

  13. Carolina, I couldn't agree more! Character driven is where it's at!

    Jennifer, you're welcome!

  14. These are really good! I needs to start following @agentsavant for realz.

  15. Yay, character driven Sci Fi is taking off! Good news for me!

  16. Karen, she gives out a lot of great info on Twitter!

    Amie, yay! Good news for those of us who love to read it too!

  17. These tweets are always useful!! One of these days I'll actually join Twitter, but thanks for my fix in the mean time! :)


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