Monday's Muse~New Chapters and Winners

First for those who are dying to know the winners of my Channeler's Cause giveaway, here they are:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations Angela and Saba! And thank you all for participating in my giveaway. If anyone would like swag just let me know and I'd be happy to send some along as a thank you.

My muse this last week was fed by new music (old actually, Black Betty, Rolling in the Deep, Queen of England~you can see the kind of mood I've been in. ;) and by Transcend by Christine Fonseca, which I just finished reading an advanced copy of. OMG, you peeps are going to love it. It is one of the most amazing books I've ever read, seriously. I'm so beyond lucky to have gotten a sneak peak at this one. And it will be out in just a few months!

As for writing, yet another new chapter has demanded that I write it. *sigh* But I must acquiesce to my muse's demands because he is always right. Still, I fear my editor may want to have me flogged if I don't get the entire finished product to her soon. ;)


  1. Hope you get done with your finished project. It must make it harder with the deadline.

  2. You are so lucky to have read TRanscend! I cannot wait to read Chritine's new book. It looks delicious!

  3. Great recommendation on Christine's book. I have to watch for it! Your muse is a 'he?' very interesting ;)

    1. You'll love it Linda! It's easily one of the best books I've read. And yes indeed, my muse is a he. ;)

  4. Thanks for the great recommendation Heather! I'm thinking I need to feed my muse some tunes too!

    1. You're welcome Karlene! And yes, music is always good food for the muse.

  5. Ah, new chapters. That's exciting! If a chapter is speaking to you, you must obey! Ha, ha.

    Good luck with your writing. :)

    1. Yep, I fear I must. *sigh*And I thought I was finished. Foolish, foolish Heather...


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