Follower Appreciation

We had a great chat last night on Twitter about social media that made me think about how much I appreciate the followers of my blog. The chat was about balancing your writing, family, and social media time (Twitter, Facebook, ect.). We got sidetracked talking about how important it is to reach out to people for the right reasons. It was a good sidetrack. Building your platform by having pages on a few different sites is something most writers aspire to do, myself included. However, before you do so you should ask yourself why you want to join the sites. If the answer is just to increase readers then you need to reevaluate your platform.

I'm not saying you shouldn't want to increase followers and readers, of course you should. However, you're main objective needs to be focused on the readers and followers instead of on yourself. Think of why you started writing in the first place. Chances are somewhere in your reasons was the need to share your stories with others. You should never forget that need to share; it's what will draw people to you.

The main reason I reached out in social media was because I live in a very isolated area where there is no chance of a writer group. Writing can be a lonely profession if you let it be. I decided not to let it be. That isolation sparked a deep rooted desire to help aspiring writers. From that desire this blog was born. With the crash of the economy and upset in the publishing industry came the desire to support debut authors. That desire has led me to read a lot of fantastic books I may not have otherwise picked up. And I helped those authors and the industry in the process!

So remember, when establishing your platform, it's not about numbers, it's about people and not only what they can do for your book sales, but what you can do for them. To all my followers, I love and appreciate you! Check out the transcript for that great chat here:


  1. It was a great chat last night! I agree fully that social media isn't just about sales. If that's the case, then you're forgetting the entire "social" part of it. I also started getting online because I was isolated. I had moved to a new, unfriendly city and had a small, medically fragile child. I was pretty much confined to the house. Now I've met people that have become very dear friends.

    Great post!


  2. Wonderful post! I started all this for social reasons too. I don't necessarily live in a small town but I have a horrible fear of people in crowds. Talking online is so much easier for me (meaning I don't have panic attacks when I do it). I love all my followers and other people I meet - as they are pretty much the only people I know!

  3. Heather, excellent point! Personally, I make the decision to follow others who support, inspire, educate, or just plain make me laugh or smile. And I've been completely blown away by the opportunities in social media for learning. Sometimes I think we all have pieces to a giant puzzle and we just need to share to figure it out.

  4. Wow Mercedes, I can't imagine how hard that must have been, an unfriendly new city and a medically fragile child. I'm so glad you found a few networks and met some amazing people. And I'm glad you found me!

  5. I've got to admit Harley, there was a time I wasn't very good in crowds either. The great people I've met, both at conferences and online have really helped me though. Glad to hear they're helping you too!

  6. I really like the way you put that Portia, how we're all parts of a puzzle. It really does feel that way. :)

  7. I love this post, as I reminds me to keep focused on things other than myself. It reminds be to remember why I started writing. Thank you for that, and for all the support you lend me on my blog. And thanks for sharing your experiences!

  8. I'm so delighted that last night's chat inspired such a wise, warm post. May I link to it in the Transcript post at The ScribeChat Review?

  9. You're very welcome Charlie! I love your blog, it's a lot of fun. When we remember our writing roots everyone benefits, especially us. :)

  10. Of course you can Lia! I'm touched that you asked.

  11. This is SO true and I believe and agree with everything you said! Thanks for being such a great example, Heather. :)

  12. Hi Heather, I also enjoyed the chat the other night. I started my blog for similar reasons. I live in an isolated area and wanted more contact with other writers. Thanks for such a thoughtful post.

  13. Found this post through Lia's link. LOVE your perspective! This was a timely reminder for me, so thanks. :)

  14. How have I missed participating in #scribechat before? I'll have to join in next time. Sounds great. What night and time is it?

  15. Aw, thanks Krissi!

    You're welcome Paul, thank you. Blogging has been wonderful for breaking the isolation hasn't it? Well, that and the many other social media sites I've joined!

    Samantha, I'm glad you found my blog. Thanks so much for stopping by and for following! Can't wait to chat more with you.

    Lindsey, you haven't participated in scribechat?! You've got to girl, it's fantastic! We always have a blast and Lia is the bomb.

  16. The great thing about social media is all the new friends I have made as a result. The world is a much smaller place than it ever was before.

  17. Networking really does make the world seem smaller doesn't it? In a good way though! Every minute of it is worth it because of the people I've met and the friends I've made.


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