March Debut Author~Judith Graves

Since I love debut authors so much I thought it was only right that I start featuring one every month on my blog. I came across Judith while researching debut authors last week. Her name might sound familiar to you since I mentioned her in the post about authors debuting in 2010. You've got to love a name like Judith Graves! Shortly after that post Judith and I started following one another on Twitter. Judith loves tragic romance, werewolves, vampires, magick, and all things a bit creepy. If her book reflects her tastes, and I've no doubt it will, then it's going to be excellent!

Judith's debut book, Under My Skin, comes out March 27th. Here's what I gather Under My Skin is about: Eryn moves to the town of Redgrave and is quickly warned away from the Delecriox family. People say they're dangerous. That doesn't deter Eryn though because she's dangerous too. When she falls for one of the Delecriox boys though everything goes bad.

Look for Under My Skin to hit stores in less than two weeks, or you could do what I've done and pre-order it here:
Or right from Leap books here:

Be sure to check out Judith's blog:


  1. Heather, Thank you for yet another incredible author and book suggestion. I am looking forward to Under My Skin. Your recommendations are wonderful! I just dashed over to twitter and am now following Judith Graves. Thank you!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  2. UNDER MY SKIN sounds great doesn't it? Right up my alley! If you haven't checked out the book trailer on her website go check it out. Looks excellent!

  3. Wow, not only does she have the perfect writer's name, she's got a killer cover! The book sounds awesome. Excuse me while I toddle off to pre-order ... :-)

  4. Doesn't she?! I love her name, it fits so perfect. Hopefully you got that pre-order in because it's sold out now!


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