Twitter Tuesday~Portia Sisco

Portia Sisco is a writer hard at work on her book. She believes in getting it just right before leaping into the querying process and I applaud her for that. There's sometimes a big temptation for a writer to start looking for an agent as soon as they finish that first draft, or in worse cases, before. But not Portia. She has a great understanding of the way things work in the literary world and a need to get things right. As a fellow perfectionist, I love that about her. I came across her on Twitter then shortly after I discovered her blog. She isn't a frequent tweeter (one who posts on Twitter) but when she does tweet something you know it's going to be good. I can always count on her for helpful links for writers or sometimes just things that make me smile. Portia is also a lady with a passion for a good ghost story. Her blog is chalked full of great writing tidbits and the occasional sidetrack into the paranormal. Be sure to check her out!

You can find her on Twitter here:

And don't forget to stop by her blog:


  1. Thanks for the kind words! :-) I'm blushing ...

  2. You're very welcome :) I love making people blush!


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