Twitter Tuesday~Alissa Grosso

Alissa Grosso and I met while participating in a chat on Twitter. She isn't a frequent tweeter (person who posts on Twitter) but when she does it's something to take note of, usually a great link, tip, or bit of fun information. Shortly after following her on Twitter I checked out her blog. I love checking in and catching up with her on what she's reading and sharing what I'm reading. I'm almost always guaranteed at least one good laugh from her weekly posts. What more would you expect from a fan of Douglas Adamas?!

Look for Alissa's debut novel, The Balderdash Semesters in 2011. I'll keep you posted as she reveals more about the book and we get closer to the release date!

You can find Alissa on Twitter here:
And check out her blog here:


  1. Will check out her blog! Anyone who incorporates Balderdash in her title has my vote. :)

  2. It is isn't it Portia?!

    I've got to agree with you Samantha, LOVE the title!


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