Twitter Tuesday~Mindful Musings

Natalie and I met on Twitter and as soon as I got a look at her book blog, Mindful Musings, I knew I had to follow it. This lady has fabulous taste! Though she reads everything Natalie loves fantasy/paranormal and young adult books. Her book reviews are fantastic and any time I'm looking for something to read I know I can stop by her blog and get a great recommendation that I'm going to love. I can't even name all the books I've picked up based off something I read on her blog! She regularly features authors and highlights other book bloggers as well.

Check her out on Twitter here:

And check out her book blog here:


  1. I love finding great book recommendations to add to my ever-growing to-read list. Thanks for this I'm off to visit her now.

  2. She won't steer you wrong Alissa! I've loved all the books she recommended.

    It is a gorgeous blog isn't it Portia?! She does a fantastic job.

  3. Thanks Shannon, I know she'll be completely flattered by the great comments!

  4. Thanks so much everyone! And you're right Heather...I'm COMPLETELY flattered! You guys just made my day! :)

  5. Thank you for introducing Natalie! I am looking forward to reading her book recommendations. Your opinion is golden!

  6. Thanks for finding another great blogger for me to check out!

  7. Thanks for the tip! Book recommendations are very key to my library visits. :)

  8. Aw Karlene, you're so sweet you make my teeth hurt! In a good way!

    You're welcome ladies!

    Glad we could make your day Natalie!


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