Monday's Muse~Dragons & Lavender

Despite fighting for every word this week, it was a two chapter week. I'm certain those pages will see a lot of red ink, but I got them down and that's what counts with the first draft. Its not a particularly tough part of my book, I'm just working a bit outside of the outline due to some inspiration I had. The picture above is another by the artist Ciruleo Cabral. Here's Ciruelo's web site:

So how did I go from that fantastic painting to a field of lavender? What can I say, my muse must have ADD. No wait, that's probably me! Hopefully some day within this decade you'll get to read the book then it will all make sense to you. As random as my inspirations are, there's a pattern to them. The problem is, you can't see the whole picture until all the pieces are put together.

This week I made a point of using music to keep my muse going. This song in particular spoke to me as I wrote my two current chapters: Trouble Is by Allison Iraheta, off her debut album, Just Like You. If you haven't heard this talented lady yet you've got to check this out:


  1. Wow, the art is just lovely! If it were a book cover I'd absolutely have to pick it up.

  2. I know, it draws you right in doesn't it? Ciruelo has a way of bringing his paintings to life and making them completely believable no matter how out of this world they are. Love him!

  3. Congrats on the two chapters! That's a lot of work. Sometimes it is good just to pound out a bunch of the stuff that's floating in your head and worry about the revision later.
    btw, I love that picture of the Dublin library. Beautiful.

  4. The dragon pic took my breath away, Heather! WoW!

  5. Thanks Lorel, it was quite a bit of work. But I had fun writing it! You're right I always get the rough draft out first.

    Glad you liked the Dublin library, but I was playing around with things and lost the picture! We'll see if I can retrieve it...


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