Twitter Tuesday~Lia Keyes

While looking for different chats for writers on Twitter I came across something called scribechat. It sounded perfect since it welcomed writers from all genres and I love to get as many different perspectives I can when it comes to a chat. The host (and I later found out, creator) of the chat was writer Lia Keyes. Lia is represented by Laura Rennert of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. I was welcomed with open arms into the chat and soon after began following Lia. She is a dedicated writer who is sweet and helpful. Her tweets are always full of excellent links and encouraging tidbits. Aside from hosting scribechat every Thursday at 6:00pm PST, Lia also runs the Scribblerati, a social network for writers and illustrators.

You can find Lia on Twitter here:
Learn more about scribechat here:
Check out Lia's site here:
And learn more about the Scribblerati at:


  1. Hey Heather! I left you something on my blog!

  2. Hello! I came upon your blog through Anne Riley! Good stuff it seems, I'll keep coming back.

    I am totally lost on this twitter thing - I can't figure out how to make it work or how to use it! Hopefully one of these I'll figure it out as it seems EVERYONE is on twitter...LOL

  3. Thanks for all the great links!
    I have an award for you on my blog :)

  4. So nice to read this post about Lia Keyes' web offerings. She's always striving to improve her excellent website and it shows. Definitely worth checking out, and she's a wonderful writer as well.


  5. Yay! I'll have to check it out :-)

  6. Thank you so much for featuring me here on Twitter Tuesday! What a lovely surprise. You made me feel so special. :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by Harley. Hopefully we'll be seeing much more of you here! We'll have to work on getting you on Twitter...

  8. Thanks for the award Anne and Lorel! That's so sweet, and I'm honored that you both thought of me when it came to creative people. :)

  9. You'll love the chat and the links Portia! Hope so see you there tomorrow night.

  10. Lia you are most welcome! I look forward to scribechat all week! You're the best :)

  11. Well, ScribeChat doesn't begin until you arrive, you know that, don't you? I look for your smiling face and feel better as soon as I see it.

  12. By the way, I LOVE your new header image. Trinity College Dublin's venerable library, truly one of the most beautiful in the world.

  13. Thanks Lia, that's so sweet of you *sniffles*

    You know where my new header is! That's fantastic! A lot of people that stop by the blog don't know where it is. It's a goal of mine to visit the Trinity College Dublin library one day. All those old stories, it's a beautiful thing!


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