Benefit of Contests

There are a lot of great contests for writers out there. There is only one problem, most of them I've found are for short stories. I'm terrible at writing short stories! When I get an idea that is worthy of writing I always end up turning it into a novel. I figure if it's worth writing, it's worth a novel. Oddly enough, I enjoy reading short stories. My brain just isn't wired to write them. Why worry you wonder? Contests are a great way to get your name out there and get a few publishing credits under your pen.

If you can or do write short stories you should look into contests as a potential way to start to build your writer's platform. Of course the catch is, for it to help your platform, you have to win or be a finalist. The competition can be pretty tough but the rewards are worth it. Notoriety in the publishing world is hard to come by and contests are a great way to do it.

Here are a few good contests that I've heard about (click on the names for the links):
Writer's Digest Short Story Competition
L. Ron Hubbard's Writers Of the Future

So tell me, do you do contests? Know of any great one's?


  1. I do! I do! And I'm hosting one right now where you DON'T have to write a short story to enter,lol.
    I know what you mean. As much as I want to enter those, my brain goes blank.

  2. Wow! Thanks for the links! I haven't come across any contests, but I never really thought to look for them.

  3. Excellent Candyland, thanks for sharing. Peeps be sure to click over to her blog!

  4. Thanks for the links. I used to write short stories, but I could never find a market that would buy mine.

    Ah, the same is true for my novels. Sigh. I see a pattern developing. Hope your weekend is restful. Mine is proving to be challenging. Roland

  5. True weekends aren't exactly restful for me because they are the beginning of my work week! But thanks for the thought. Don't let the state of the market get you down. It's going to turn around, is already in fact, and publishers will start buying more new authors!

  6. Heather, I've just won a contest for nonfiction over at Imagination Cafe. I already had the piece written, so it was just a matter of sending it. It seems to me there are sooo many opportunities, and contests are definitely on the top of that list!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I know you'll pay your agent back in BUCKETS!

  7. I haven't done contests but I think I should try sometime. Thank you for those links!

  8. Congrats on winning the contest Julie, that's great! Thank you so much for your confidence, it keeps me going.

  9. You're welcome Lydia and Candyland!

  10. I've considered writing contests. Entered one for Glitter Train, but did not place. I think the problem with a lot of the contests out there is that they are looking for literary and commercial fiction, leaning heavily on the latter. There is no room for a writer of romance, especially as romance authors already get such a bad rap ("new names/same story"). Wish it were different, but I think one day it will. There are some powerful and strong headed women in romance right now and they are doing their best to forge a new, respectable path for writers of romance. Thanks for the links and suggestions Heather!

  11. I entered a few several years back but didn't have much luck because at the time sci-fi was huge and fantasy wasn't. I know what you mean about romance though, it doesn't get the respect it deserves. The writing process is tough and it's a bit of an art, no matter what genre! Power to those who are forging a new path for it!

  12. I don't write short stories either. For precisely the same reason: if an idea has me juiced enough to write, then it's going to be a novel.

    Though, I too do enjoy reading short stories. (But not as much a a good novel.)

    I hope you had a lovely weekend!

  13. Great minds must work alike Lola! My weekend was productive and fun, not much more I can ask for. I hope yours was excellent too!

  14. Yes, I've entered the Pacific Northwest Writers Association's annual literary contest. The first two times I entered, I didn't place. The third time, I was a finalist. Yay! I agree that they're a great way to "get a few publishing credits under your pen," as you so cleverly put it. I'm not a romance writer, but I've heard people talk about great contests through RWA.

    Nice blog! :)

  15. I enter a lot of blog contests, but I haven't tried many short story contests--Maybe I should give them a try. Thanks for the links. I will definitely check them out!

  16. Hi Dawn, thank you so much for following! Congrats on being a finalist in the PNWA! That's a great conference and the competition if fierce. I've heard great things about RWA as well.

  17. They're a lot of fun and they really push your writing to new areas Olleymae. Good luck! Let me know if you have any success so I can celebrate with you!


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