In My Mailbox

Ebony McKenna, a Twitter friend of mine was wonderful enough to send me a copy of Ondine, which is not yet available in the U.S.! If you enjoyed The Princess Bride and Ella Enchanted then you are going to LOVE this book. I will even go so far as to say it surpasses them. Go ahead, salivate while I bask in the wonderfulness of this book!

You can read all about it at Ebony's site here:
And be sure to check out Ebony's blog:

Okay, now go order your own copy from Egmont UK!


  1. You found my weak spot. Sold without knowing a single thing other than that.

  2. I've peeked at it a bit-I'm reading another book so I can't start it yet-and what I read is great! You're going to love it!

  3. Oh no! Not another book for my TBR list!! *shakes fist* You fiend! It looks too good to ignore.

  4. *laughs wickedly* I've got a knack for adding to peeps TBR pile! It does look too good to pass up doesn't it?!

  5. I’m looking forward to the release of this. It sounds like so much fun! Ella Enchanted is one of my most favorite movies so I’m sure I’ll love Ondine :)

  6. OMG I loved both The Princess Bride AND Ella Ennchanted! Also, I realllly want to read that book over there ---> The Tension of Opposites! Can't wait to hear what you think!

  7. What a fabulous, fantastic cover! I've watched the Princess Bride so many times I wore out my VHS tape ... and had to buy the DVD. This looks like another great one.

  8. You ladies are going to love it, I'm sure of it!

    No worries Charlie and Portia, I'll definitely let you know what I think of The Tension of Opposites. So far, AMAZING.

  9. Oh, this book looks so fun! Going to check out her blog right now.

  10. I love both those books! That comes as a high recommendation, in my mind!

  11. Oh thank you so much for the huge recommendation Heather! You've made my day. I'm working hard on book 3 in the Ondine series. Book two is out in March, 2011.

  12. I can't wait to hear what you think of it Julie and Lydia!

  13. You're very welcome Ebony! I'm so excited to read it. That's great that book two is already scheduled because I have a feeling we'll all be begging for it soon!


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