Monday's Muse~Facing Fears

I'm back to work on The First Dragonwatcher now that my revision of Grendar's Tale has been sent off on editor submission. I came across this unique picture by G. Vidal on the Fantasy Art Design. When I found this picture I felt as though the artist had seen into my mind and witnessed a chapter I was brainstorming. I love it when that happens! In this chapter my main character is forced to face his fears and come to terms with the fact that life isn't always easy. It wasn't an easy chapter to write because I've become very attached to this main character and I hate putting him in bad situations. But such is the world!

This week's reading inspiration was Change of Heart by Shari Maurer. This book is touching and nothing short of amazing. Hurry, run out and buy it! Better yet, click on the title and it will take you to a link where you can buy it!

This week's song was Betrayal and Desolation off the Braveheart soundtrack:
Our Independence Day inspired me to start researching a novel I'll be writing soon. What inspired you this week? Anything special?


  1. Reading an old journal I kept during a solo kayaking trip helped put me in touch with the elements that my characters are up against in one of my stories.

  2. I like that picture! Sort also reminds me of Avatar (sorry if this may be a bad thing, ha!).

    I also hate putting my characters in bad situations. We always want to protect them.

    I always commend fantasy writers when they are world-building. Such a talent to have.

    Good luck!

  3. What a great idea Paul! That's an excellent reminder of why it's a good idea for a writer to always carry a notebook.

    Karen, don't worry that isn't a bad thing at all. I LOVED Avatar. It can be tough to fight the impulse to protect our babies, but by throwing them into tough situations we make them stronger. At least, that's the justification I keep telling myself when I feel bad!

  4. Ooh I love the new title! It sounds like a great book. And good luck on the submissions!

  5. I love that are work. Now if I could just get someone to draw like that for me (For Free).

  6. Great picture - I love it! Your stories sound so good, Heather. I can't wait until I can go to B&N and buy them! :-)

  7. Thanks Lisa! Some titles just fall into place, thankfully this was one of those.

    It is pretty amazing art work isn't it Walter? It would make a great wrap around cover!

  8. Great, Heather. It's always fun to experiment, and get the writing muscles going! I'm going to have to go to that site myself.

    I've had some retrospection myself this past week, and have had to face my own fears. My inspiration for that is John Toole, who never saw his own work make it. But his mother stuck with it. I posted this story at Something Nebulous Within today. Go check it out, or anyone who needs a little reminder to never give up.

  9. Oh, that's an amazing picture!

    As far as inspiring, I guess I'd say writing time this weekend was energizing. I'm doing a lot of heavy lifting in the editing arena, and it's always fun to transform your work. I have to resist stopping to read it. I want to keep pressing forward and enjoy the whole picture when I'm done :-)

    I hope work on The First Dragonwatcher is going well!

  10. It's a great site with many pictures that will lend inspiration! That has always been one of my fears. But thankfully, the publishing industry is better now than it was then. It may not be in great shape, but it's better. Thanks for the tip on the post, I'll definitely go check it out!

  11. This is beautiful Heather. I was on a plane all day on Monday, and missed your catching up. They always bring me inspiration! I do live in a fantasy world sometimes.


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