Twitter Tuesday~Agent Advice, Networking, & Supporting

The list of tweets for writers that I scrounged up this week is a bit thin since I've been spending most of my time writing, but I did manage to find a few really good ones. This first one is from me but it is about an excellent post that Chuck Sambuchino wrote. If you're a writer you need to read this before you do your holiday shopping:
@HeatherMcCorkle The Publishing Industry Needs Our Support: A great post via @ChuckSambuchino of @WritersDigest #writing

Literary agent Jennifer Laughran of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency let's us in on a little secret about when to submit:
@literaticat Do you want to know the secret, sure-fire time to submit so your query will definitely get noticed?

Are you curious about why Super agent Nathan Bransford left the publishing industry? Then you need to read this interview:
@NathanBransford In which I'm interviewed by the awesome @RachelleGardner about leaving publishing:

Author Myra McEntire gives us an excellent link from her literary agency on social networking for writers:
@MyraMcEntire Some genius from my lit agency, @jasonpinter at Waxman: "The 10 Commandments of Social Networking For Writers"

Writer Julie Musil brought this link to my attention. It is an interview Chuck Sambuchino did with agent Michelle Brower on attending writer's conferences:
@juliemusil Agent Michelle Brower On: 10 Tips for Attending Writers Conferences (via @ChuckSambuchino)  #amwriting #writetip

Julie brings us another fantastic link from Jane Friedman on query red flags to avoid:
@juliemusil Query Red Flags (via @JaneFriedman) #amwriting

Want to be featured in Writer's Digest? Don't miss this opening sentence contest they're putting on! Better hurry, my entry is already in:
@WritersDigest Write the best opening sentence for a chance to be featured in Writer's Digest

If you are a friend or family member of a writer then you really need to read this post by author Elizabeth Craig. Writers, we should read it too and pass it on:
@HeatherMcCorkle Friends with a writer? You HAVE to read this post by @elizabethscraig on Support

What about you? Did you find any great tweets or blog posts last week that I missed?


  1. I love this idea of sharing tweets that benefit writers (I haven't any since I've been in a NaNo daze). Thanks bunches for sharing! :D

  2. Thanks for the links; I'm off to check them out!

  3. You're welcome Brenda! I hope it helps you catch up after all the NaNo craziness. :)

  4. I don't think I've told you how great this regular post is. So, um, well, they're all GREAT! Thank you so much for sharing. Now I'm off to read some of these.

  5. Aw, thank you so much Kristie! By the way, I loved your exerpt that you shared with us today on your blog! Check it out peeps, you'll love it!

  6. Amazing links as always--thanks for doing this! :)

  7. You're welcome Kristi! Thank you. :)

  8. Heather, thanks so much for the links AND for the mention. I'm clicking over now to the one about support.

  9. Ha! You know I won't miss a Tuesday. thanks for another great list for us, Heather. I check out every single one. :-)

  10. Heather, you know I'm one of your devoted fans, but I'm becoming even more devoted to your Twitter Tuesday posts. They're great--thanks!

  11. Thank you Julie! You're a big part of what this week's links so great!

  12. Thank you Linda and Shannon. I'm touched that you like my Twitter Tuesday posts so much!

  13. Thanks for another great post Heather! I clicked on the link for the Writer's Digest contest, but just saw a post by "Petit" ...but no contest. Maybe I didn't look close enough.

  14. Scroll down just a little Karlene and you'll see it. It's a picture prompt for opening sentences. Fun stuff!


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