Twitter Tuesday~Query & Agent Advice, Plus A Book Royalties Calculator!

I found some gems among the publishing world tweets on Twitter for you this month. Some of these I'm sure you'll want to bookmark! This first one is fantastic. My friend Angela found a blogger, Shawntelle, who created a book royalties calculator. You definitely want to check this one out!

@AngelaAckerman Book Royalties Calculator by @shawntelle (How cool is THIS?)  #writing #amwriting

Brian Klems of Writer's Digest answers the question, should you grant an agent an exclusive read if they ask?
@WritersDigest Should You Grant an Exclusive Read to an Agent? - Q: I recently had an agent respond to one of my queries and reques...

You don't want to miss this interview by Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest with agent Katharine Sands about agent pet peeves. Read this carefully to make sure you don't do any of these things!
@ChuckSambuchino Lit agent Katharine Sands talks "Agent Pet Peeves":

This information by Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest on what to put in the bio of your query letter is a must read for anyone who is submitting.
@JaneFriedman What to put in AND leave out of your bio in a novel query (includes examples), latest in my query series:

Editor Irish Blasi introduces us to a new agent, ex-editor Brie Mulligan.
@IrisBlasi There’s a new agent on the block: @BrieMulligan joins Moveable Type, repping YA/MG & adult fict&nonfic:

For those of you who were wondering if you should get those author business cards made, check out what agent Natalie Fischer says about them:
@Natalie_Fischer One of my biggest pet peeves: author business cards. Unless I represent you, I do. not. want. them.

This is stellar advice on being a professional writer. It was tweeted by my writer friend Elizabeth first, then retweeted by my other writer friend Jolina. That's what happens on Twitter when the advice is that good!
@Jolina_Joy Want to Be a Professional Writer? Act Like One.  (via @elizabethscraig) #writetip #amwriting #writing

Okay, maybe this isn't one of the best tweets of the week, but I'm looking for feedback! If you want to learn a bit about my novel The Secret Of Spruce Knoll or just want to pay it forward with a comment on it, check out this exerpt from my query letter:
@HeatherMcCorkle The Secret Of Spruce Knoll: Taken from my query letter. Drop by & let me know what you think!

See, I told you they were gems! You're going to need to get yourself a file for all those links and name it treasure chest! Okay, maybe not that great. And maybe I should push the coffee away.


  1. Heather, this is great. And, I love the last one! So easy to cut and paste--- she's off and flying again! Thank you for being our personal twitter secretary!

  2. LOL! You're welcome Karlene, and thank you!

  3. I can't wait until the day I need the book royalties calculator! Thanks for the links. :)

  4. Me too Kristi! Keep it bookmarked for later!

  5. Thanks for the great links, Heather. I can't even believe that writers are using pieces of rejection letters from agents to tout their books online (the Chuck Sambuchino/Katherine Sands interview). So unprofessional and, as she pointed out, easy to spot as a trick. Yikes.

  6. I know huh Linda? The odds are already stacked against us writers we shouldn't do anything like that to make it worse.

  7. Great list. I'm off to check some of them out. :D

  8. Thanks Stina! I hope you find them helpful.


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