Celestial Seduction Book Birthday

Today's Friday Creature Feature has been postponed to celebrate the release of Jessica E. Subject's novella, Celestial Seduction. Jessica has been a good friend of mine who has shared my often tumultuous journey through the world of publishing and has helped keep me sane through it all. When she signed on with Decadent Publishing I knew good things would soon follow and the first of them is her sci-fi romance for adults, Celestial Seduction. Here is a portion of the blurb:

At the end of his obligated commitment to the Space Service, Frey Berger decides to stay on Earth to further experience human emotions rather than return to Ginnun where his intended has already mated with another. Looking for real love and someone to accept him for what he is, Frey enlists in Madame Evangeline’s popular dating service. Although he does not understand the concept of a one-night stand, he hopes to find his perfect mate. If he fails, he risks being alone on Earth for the rest of his life.

Aliens and a dating service sounds like far too much fun to pass up. My copy is already on its way! And isn't that just an amazing cover? While Celestial Seduction isn't something for anyone under eighteen, for those of you who are of age I hope you'll check it out because Jessica is an amazing author and a fantastic person. To learn more about Celestial Seduction and Jessica E. Subject check out Karlene's post on Critique Sisters Corner today. Happy book birthday to Jessica and Celestial Seduction!


  1. What a great post for a great lady! Thank you for all your support!

  2. Happy birthday! Sounds like a fun, sexy read ;)

  3. Just read Karlene's post on CSC. Jessica sounds terrific. I agree with Carolina, it sounds like a fun, sexy read!

  4. This is a great read. It has a depth of emotion not often seen in a novella. Jessica did a wonderful job and I was so happy to work with her during edits. Not just saying that (if it weren't true, I wouldn't bother to post). I truly believe Jessica will have a role in bringing good sci-fi romance to the forefront of romance fiction. We need to see more of it!

  5. Thank you Heather! I didn't expect this. I really appreciate it!

    Thank you Karlene, Carolina and Linda as well. This has been such an exciting day. :)

  6. Valerie - Wow, you made me cry. Thank you for teaching me so much!

  7. I've had the good look to read this book. I love it. Everyone who loves romance and science fiction should read it.

  8. Karlene, thank you for your excellent interview of Jessica over on CSC!

    Carol, oh it is, trust me! :)

    Linda, Karlene's interview was excellent wasn't it?!

  9. Valerie, that's so sweet of you and I couldn't agree more! Both on Jessica helping bring sci-fi romance to the forefront and on it needing to be there!

    Jessica, you're more than welcome my friend. :)

  10. Fantastic cover... Looks like a fun read.... Intergalactic romance.. Hmmmm.

  11. Thanks Rebecca! You put the idea in my head.

    Thanks for stopping here too, Michael. I believe everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. :)

  12. Intergalactic dating services probably is my only hope!

    What a lovely boost for a friend, Roland

  13. YAY for good friends publishing books! *eyes Heather* :D

  14. Roland - Madame Evangeline is simply magical. It's a fabulous series to be a part of. Thank you for stopping by.

  15. Ha! Aliens and a dating service--sold, I love it!

    I'm back from holidays (with news!) and I've been reading back over your entries about the publishing process. Can't wait for a cover reveal (and to know what I can do to help with the celebrations).

  16. I bought my copy can't wait to read it ... congrats Jess!

  17. Wow that's quite the steamy cover! *fans self*


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