Monday's Muse~School Lockers

Normally lockers are the last thing that would inspire me. They make me twitchy because they remind me of high school. But since I had to write a chapter that took place in a high school hallway, this picture was the perfect inspiration for me. And the twitchy part didn't hurt either since this chapter is a tense one. This will be the third new chapter I'm adding to this novel, which may sort of seem like it's counterproductive to editing. But, I've found that if I let a manuscript sit then go back to it, it gives me a wider perspective and reveals the holes that need to be filled.

I finished reading Possession by Elana Johnson. If you're interested, you can check out my review on Goodreads. Now I'm reading Nightspell by Leah Cypess (one of my favorite authors of all time) and I'm loving it. It's a creepy ghost story of a very different sort. I'm super thrilled that each night this week I'll be sitting on a deck overlooking the ocean, reading Nightspell. Yay for vacation!

When you're editing, do you ever take a break from your manuscript to gain a bit of perspective? If so, have you found that it helps? What inspired you last week?


  1. I couldn't comment on this yesterday for some odd reason and I couldn't comment on your Tuesday post today, so I'll do it now. I hated lockers when I was in school. I'm so forgetful that I'd lose my combination to my lock and have to have the janitor cut the lock off for me a lot. The picture is awesome for your hall scene.

    I always take a break (maybe too many) while editing. I'll research stuff in my scenes and see if I can find something better or just refresh my brain. Then I go at it again with new ammunition. :D

  2. Brenda, it appears the Blogger gremlins are back. I'm on vacation so I haven't noticed much save for the lack of comments, which makes me miss you peeps even more! That's terrible about your locker in school!

    Breaks while editing can be fantastic!

  3. Yea! I can comment. The gremlins were here and so glad they're gone. I love the locker photo. Yes... a great place that most of us fear ~ High School! Thanks for the tips on the books too!

  4. I'm so glad you were able to comment Karlene! I'm not sure the gremlins are gone but we've fought then back for now. You're very welcome for the tips. Thank YOU for braving the gremlins!

  5. I was just talking to my mom about that! I took out three chapters of my WIP to add one new chapter. Glad to hear I'm not the only crazy one!

  6. Lol! Nope, you're definitely not Michelle! Happens to me all the time. :)


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