The Secret of Spruce Knoll Cover Reveal

Though I have a fun creature feature ready for today, I thought you might not mind if I postponed it to next week since I have great news. The cover for The Secret of Spruce Knoll has been finalized and approved! I'm so excited that I just couldn't wait to share it with you peeps. When I received it yesterday there were tears, but very good tears. The wonderful designers at Abbott did an outstanding job of capturing the essence of my character, the nature of the novel, and making it look breathtaking. I'll quit rambling and show you (that is if you didn't already scroll down, which I wouldn't blame you for because I would have ;)!

Now you know why I cried tears of joy! There is so much more though, the wrap around and back cover are amazing as well and I wish I could share those with you but I can't just yet. Trust me though, the complete cover is to die for! You won't have to take my word for it for long because in another week you'll be able to hold this baby in your hands! *faints*


  1. So pretty, Heather!! I love the eyes, and the hand in the light. Beautiful!

  2. It is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so happy for you and can't WAIT to read this!

  3. Carol, thank you! Me too! Once you read it you'll love the picture even more (I hope!). :)

    Denise, thank you so much!

  4. Heather you should have tears of joy! This is absolutely beautiful! I am so excited and can hardly wait to hold it in my hands too! So close! Looking forward to reading it!!!

  5. Amazing! Thats all I can say... I REALLY can't wait to read it now!

  6. Ohhh Heather! That's just gorgeous! It makes me want to read it even more! I'm SO happy for you!

  7. This cover is wonderful! Definitely an eye-catcher! :)

  8. Karlene, thank you so much!

    Fida, I'm touched that you like it so much. :)

    Jamie, that's excellent! Thank you!

    MelDellis, thank you for your sweet words.

  9. Seriously BEAUTIFUL! Better than some commercial covers out there. Definitely want to know what's inside...

  10. It's beautiful, Heather! I can't wait to read it!

  11. Sophia, thank you!

    Lisa, that's what I thought too! The inside is beautiful as well. :) Can't wait for you to see it!

    Melissa, thank you!

  12. It looks gorgeous! Wow, what eyes that girl has!

  13. It is breath taking! This is a book I would buy just by the cover! Amazing!!! I can't wait to get my hands on it. :) Congratulations and yes I cheated and scrolled down first. (hangs head in shame) but I scrolled back up and read your post please forgive me. :)

  14. That's a beautiful cover! I love her eyes. :)

  15. Awesome! Very enticing. Makes me want to pick up and read it. Can't wait! :)

  16. Very pretty and mysterious! Love how the background frames the face. :)

  17. Heather, when you hold the book for the first time, you'll have tears of joy again. Take it from me, this is a great cover. Enjoy every moment of it, you deserve it! I look forward to reading it.

  18. Gorgeous cover Heather! It's so mysterious and intense.

  19. Lydia, I know huh?!

    Writing In Laton, what a wonderful compliment, thank you. :) And you're forgiven!

    Golden Eagle, thank you!

  20. Laura, that's great news, thank you!

    Karen, me too! Thank you.

    Amanda, thanks!

  21. I love it so much! Amazing! Congratulations!

  22. Lorelei, I'm sure I will! Thank you for all your support hon!

    Sheenah, intense, yes! That's exactly what I felt when I saw it. Thank you!

  23. Wow! Mystique indeed! it has 'secret' and 'mysterious' written all over it! :D Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  24. Mesmerizing. Between the look in her eyes and the light she's holding in her hand, it's easy to imagine falling straight into this story. I'm so happy for you, Heather! You deserve this wonderful cover and this wonderful time!

  25. Saba, what a lovely description of it. Thank you so much!

    Susan, thank you!

    Linda, thank you. You're making me tear up again. :)

  26. Wow! I can see why you teared up. The cover art is fantastic.

  27. Connie, I know right?! I feel so incredibly lucky. :)

    Jessica, thank you!!

  28. Hi, Heather,

    THIS IS FANTASTIC! Congratulations...

    I know this will grab every reader's attention.

  29. It's hypnotized me!!!!!

    ooohhhhhhh, sooo beautiful!!!!!!!!

    I am so thrilled for you Heather, this is a beautiful cover. I have goosebumps for you!

  30. PS, I am seriously coveting your 'work in progress' widget down there on the lower left corner. Want. Want. WANT!!!!

  31. Michael, those are very encouraging words, thank you!

    Ebony, goosebumps are awesome! Yay! Oh and you noticed my WIP widget! Glad you like it. :)

  32. Oh beautiful, and I'd definitely pick it up -- which is the thing that matters most! If the cover accurately reflects the book, then that's definitely a book I want to read!

  33. Heather, it's beautiful! I can't even imagine how exciting it was to view that for the very first time. Holy cow, no wonder you're excited. I love it, and I'm so happy for you!

  34. Natalie, thank you. :) I feel like I'm glowing as much as she is.

    Amie, that means so much! It reflects it perfectly so I'm excited to see what you think.

    Julie, I was beyond excited!!! Still am. :)

  35. Those are some amazing eyes - and I love the gray in the background. Congrats and good luck!

  36. WOW, HEATHER! That is a completely awesome cover! I LOVE it! So totally excited for you! Can't WAIT to read it! :)

  37. Erica, I'm glad you like it! Thanks for the congrats. :)

    Kristin, thank you! :-) On so many levels!

  38. Your enthusiasm is catching. It's a lovely cover.

  39. Holy crap, it's gorgeous! Gorgeous. There are no words. So excited for you.

  40. J.L., that's excellent! Glad its catchy and that you like my cover!

    Christa, lol! Thank you. :) That's about the effect it had on me.

  41. Gorgeous cover!! Congrats. Cover art is one of the most gratifying and coolest things - aside of finishing the story ;)

    SO exciting!

  42. Barbara, thank you for the congrats and for following! I couldn't agree more, those are definitely two of the most gratifying moments in a book's life!

  43. Hi Heather! I've been away so I've missed your excitement but looks like there's still plenty to go around. I read your previous entries too and congrats on the planning of a great blog tour. I'll be following as much as possible.

    This cover is to die for. The title of your novel draws me, makes me want to read it. Good work.


  44. Denise, I'm glad to see you're back! Thanks for all your support and excitement. :)

  45. Congratulations! It's really pretty! :)

  46. Congratulations! It's a gorgeous cover!

  47. What a gorgeous cover! I'm so happy for you!

  48. Aik, thank you!

    Michelle, thanks hon!

    Lin, that means a lot, thank you. :)

  49. HEATHER!!!! I't so beautiful! I'm very, very happy for you! :0) Christy

  50. GORGEOUS, Heather. Truly lovely. :)

  51. Christy, aw, thank you !

    Lola, I think those were my exact words when I saw it for the firs time. :)

  52. How did I NOT see this last week. I LOVE it!!!

  53. What a gorgeous cover, and how very exciting! Congratulations!

  54. Heather, this is a freaking BEAUTIFUL cover! Congrats...and I'm dying to read this!

  55. Heather the cover is stunning!


  56. Looking at this cover, never in a 1,000,000 years would I think it was self-pubbed! They did a great job. I wish you the best of luck! :-) And I can't wait to hold a copy. ;-)LOVE. IT.


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