Monday's Muse~First Appearance

Last week I was inspired by friends, coffee, and good books. My critique sisters are having me over on Monday October 3rd to visit and have a belated post-release party for The Secret of Spruce Knoll. But it isn't only their generous spirits that have been inspiring me lately, it is all of yours. I'm touched by each of you who has purchased my book, said kind things about it, put it on your to-read list, or who has just dropped by here and followed. Thank you all so much. *wipes away tear.*

My visit with my critique sisters in Seattle Washington will also be my first unofficial author appearance. I'd like to invite all of you who will be in the area to join us at Tully's Coffee in Seattle Washington (the one on Western Ave. Click on the store name for a map) to chat, have coffee, or even get your copy of The Secret of Spruce Knoll signed between 5:00pm and 6:00pm. I'll be armed with fun swag and hope to see many of you there as I'd love to meet you in person.

So tell me, what inspired you last week?


  1. You continually inspire me with your energy and generosity, Heather. Can't wait to have you here on Oct. 3 (I checked your Tully's map--it's #1046 in the listing under the map!)

  2. Honestly, you just inspired me. So happy for you!! And I love how you have such close critique sisters. :)

  3. Awww, wish I lived in the area cause I'd would so be there. Congrats! As far as being inspired last week, I got nothing. It was a pretty uninspiring week. Here's looking forward to this week! <3

  4. My critique partner inspired me last week. I finished reading her finished manuscript, and Oh. My. God. It is amazing! Really, really amazing. I cried and cried and needed to talk about it. It won't let go of me, even now.

    Maybe I'll send my sister to Tully's on my behalf--she lives in Seattle! :-)

  5. Hmm... Oh I was listening to music and it was a song that inspired me! And of course you did too :)

  6. Linda, aw, thank you that's makes me so happy!

    Salarsen, I'm touched that I inspire you. :) And I agree, I'm very blessed.

  7. Heather, I am so inspired by your Muse. I've got the same book sitting on my desk. I'm trying to hard to trade my trip. What are the odds... This is the first time I didn't get a reserve line in 12 months!!! I have to be there. I will. Power of focus will work. I love this picture! Thank you for making me part of it. :)

  8. Brenda, I wish you did too! My fingers are crossed that you'll be greatly inspired this week. :)

    Shannon, it sounds like your cp has an amazing manuscript! I love it when my friends inspire me like that. Yes, send your sister! I'd love to meet her.

    Jess, aw, that's so sweet. :)

    Karlene, the odds are against us but we'll prevail! And thank YOU for being a part of it. :)

  9. I'm not that far away from the coffee shop you'll be at. Hmmm... I wonder if I can make it. It sounds like so much fun!
    Oh, and I like that you call your critters your critique sisters. Very good indication of your relationship with them.

  10. Haven't had much inspiration. But I love hearing good things about writer friends. I hope you have a fabulous signing and hope to see pics and details. :)

  11. Thanks for the invite. You are very sweet. I love following you. I couldn't possibly pinpoint the source of my inspiration. That would limit the muse. :)

  12. Wish I lived closer! I'd be there for sure!

    Your book is on my "to read" list, Heather! Just so behind, it's not funny!

    You are an inspiration to all of us. And I sure was inspired this weekend!

  13. I'm inspired by the whole on-line writing community. Just watching everyone working so hard to pursue their own dreams but also tirelessly helping others as well. You, of course, are among them--thanks!

  14. Awwwww! I wish I was closer, I'd definitely go. But I'm there in spirit.

  15. Wish I could be there! If by any chance you're in Nebraska, let me know. :)

  16. Dude...Seattle sounds awesome! I'm so jealous I can't be there!! Have fun and take pictures of yall chilling with your coffee and signing books! :)

  17. I'd love to be there. But I'm not even the same country, never mind state. Have a great time!!!!

  18. E.R., that would be fantastic! I'd love to meet you! My fingers are crossed that you can make it.

    Karen, thank you hon! I'll be sure to take pictures for you.

    Laila, I love that! Great idea not to limit it. :)

    Lorelei, I wish you did too! You're so sweet, I'm touched that I inspired you. :)

  19. Elle, aw thanks! You and our community inspire me too!

    Lisa, me too! You're spirit shall have to suffice though. Wait, you aren't really sending your spirit are you? Cause that might freak out some of the people...

    Lydia, I will for sure!

    Krissi, I will don't worry!

    Stina, you have the best reason of all not to make it. :)

  20. Heather, you deserve it all! Very happy for you! And wishing you lots of new inspiration... :)

  21. I wish I lived near Seattle, I'd be there in a heart beat. I am putting your book on my to read list. I look forward to it.
    Visiting Carl Sandburg's house in Flat Rock NC was a great inspiration for me.


  22. Yelena, that's so kind of you, thank you!

    Cathy, I wish you did too! That's sweet, thanks a million! And wow, that would be inspiring!

  23. How wonderful to be with your sisters and have your first book signing. OH, how I would love to be there.

    I would also like to thank you for the beautiful bookmarks you sent me. I received them on Saturday. So kind of you.

    I was inspired by finishing my final draft. I was thrilled to send it to two more people who wished to read it. This week I'll be busy querying. So I am hoping for the best.

    Have a terrific time Heather. Hugs to you, Karlene, and Linda. I can't wait to meet you all one day.

  24. Too bad I won't be in Seattle. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

    Wishing you many happy sales.

  25. Aw, if only I lived there! But your book is definitely on my TBR list and I'll be ordering it once I've settled in after moving. Have fun at your signing and huge congrats on your success. :-)

  26. Wish I could go! If you're ever in Naperville . . .

  27. Michael, we wish you could too, we'd love to meet you! I'm glad the bookmarks arrived and I'm touched that you passed them on. Thank you!

    Isis, it is too bad you can't be there! I'd love to meet you in person. Thank you so much for the great wishes though. :)

    Crystal, that's wonderful, thank you! I hope your move goes quick and hassle-free!

    Lin, me too! Um, where is Naperville?!

  28. Naperville is in Illinois. Anderson Bookshop is the place where many authors come.

  29. Oh, how I wish that you lived closer to me. I would totally be collecting swag, although I guess you can't exactly sign my kindle where Spruce Knoll lives;)

  30. I had to stop back and tell you how much I love your cover! :)


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