Author Blog Bounce & Interview Stops

One of my author friends, Trisha Wolfe and Omnific publishing is hosting an Author Blog Bounce where readers and authors get the chance to meet new authors. It sounded like so much fun I just had to take part in it. *waves to new peeps visiting* To learn about me click here and to learn about my debut YA urban fantasy The Secret of Spruce Knoll, click here. Don't forget to leave me a comment though because I'd love to meet you all!

In other news: Yesterday my good friend Tina Moss had me over for an author interview on her blog. We talked about everything from my debut novel to writing tips. I hope you'll stop by.

Today my good friend Lisa Gail Green was brave enough to have the antagonist from The Secret of Spruce Knoll, Luke Moldovan, over for an interview. He's deliciously shudder worthy so I hope you'll drop by to learn more about him.

If you don't already follow these ladies I highly recommend them. Not only are they both a blast, they are wonderful people who love books, authors, and never hesitate to support both. :)


  1. I really enjoyed reading the interview with your antagonist - that was fun!! Also? Fantastic advice for aspiring writers, especially "there are always options." I think it can sometimes be too easy to forget that.


  2. Your interview with Lisa was so fun!

  3. Welcome to the bounce Miss Heather, so nice to meet you!

    <3 Patty

  4. Hey! Welcome to the bounce. :) I read both interviews and how very interesting that these chanellers have ties to Vlad Tepes.

  5. Hi Heather! Welcome to the Bounce. I love the cover of your book - I'll definitely be checking it out.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog...this Blog Bounce was fun! =)

  7. Crystal, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it and found it helpful! :)

    Julie, thanks hon!

    Patricia, thank you! It's so nice to meet you too!

  8. Nicki, thanks! So few notice that part. :)

    Robin, thank you so much! :-)

    Jamie, you're very welcome. I'll be back by to follow!

  9. Hi Heather, I'm following the Blog Bounce. Great interview and your book sounds wonderful. Congratulations!

  10. Love the Blog Bounce, Heather! And thanks again for the interview. So much fun. I think Lisa had her hands full with Luke. ;)

  11. Hi Heather, thanks for bouncing with us. A "shudder-worthy" antagonist, huh? Eep! Good luck with your writing.

  12. Cherie, aw thank you, that's so sweet!

    Jennifer, thans! It's been a lot of fun!

    Carol, I've already met a bunch of wonderful new peeps. You'll love it!

  13. I loved the interview with Luke but now I ant an interview with FANE!!!!!!!! :D

  14. Cool idea! I love learning about authors.


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