Monday's Muse, Contest Winner, Blogfest

On my sidebar you might notice a new button to purchase a signed copy of a paperback of my novel. This is due in part to having to cancel my author appearance that was planned for today in Seattle. To start to make it up to those who were going to attend I'm offering the signed copies for sale for a limited time. My author appearance has been rescheduled (same place) for Saturday December 10th, 3:00pm~4:00pm. On to today's post... My inspiration last week was all the amazing bloggers who turned out to celebrate and support banned books. The massive amount of support for banned books was overwhelming. You peeps rock! Since I know many of you are dying to know who won the Banned Books Week Giveaway here on my blog I'll get right to it. Congratulations to:

Julie Tuovi at Pen To Paper who won her choice of one of the banned books pictured on the left, or any book by one of the authors who has a book pictured above.

In appreciation of everyone who entered, if you didn't win I have a bunch of great Spruce Knoll swag that I'd be more than happy to mail off to anyone who would like to leave me their email address (don't worry I won't publish it).

More chances to win contests are coming up in the very near future. One of which will be right here on my blog during a very special contest next month. Also occurring next month is the I Love Dark YA blogfest, during which there will great posts and contests. Click here to sign up to join in on the fun!


  1. What happened? I tried to post just now and I think I've been bloggered!

    I was just complimenting you on the stunning look to your book when in hardback and saying the story within is absorbing and riveting. I hate that you had to cancel your signing. May you have only happy surprises from now on. Roland

  2. Congratulations to the winner. I am shocked about what books are banned and so grateful not to be living in a place where that exists.

  3. Congratulations to Julie! And appreciation to you, Heather, for all you do to keep Banned Books Week an important priority. Can't wait to see you in Seattle Dec. 10!

  4. Roland, that's so incredibly sweet! Thank you so much. :)

    Christa, I know huh? I'm just thrilled that bannned books have so much support in our community.

    Linda, thank you! I'm excited about the change in date and think it will be wonderful. Can't wait!

  5. Looking forward to the I LOVE DARK YA blogfest. :)

  6. Congrats to Julie, sorry you had to postpone your signing Heather.

  7. Congratulations to the winners! The new button looks great. I'm alive, in NY.

  8. Congratulations to the winner!

    I'm sorry to hear you had to cancel your signing.

  9. Congratulations, Julie!

    I wrote a post about an author who had a banned book yesterday, though I didn't write about her having a banned book in the post. It's assumed that the best writers have a banned book or two.

  10. Karen, me too, it will be so much fun!

    Sarah, me too but it's okay. I'll do my best to make it up to everyone by making it even better!

    Karlene, thank you! Wow, NY?!

    Golden Eagle, me too but it will be alright.

    Theresa, that's excellent! Thank you so much. I know the author would appreciate it. :)

  11. Congrats to Julie.

    Sorry you had to postpone your signing... We must support banned books ... it is so insane to even fathom the thought of banning any book!


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