Teaser Tuesday

It's teaser Tuesday week! Which means it's time for me to share another bit of my work. This teaser is from Chapter 2 of The Secret of Spruce Knoll:

Sanctuary existed on a back deck that overlooked a massive expanse of aspens. Her aunt had called it the Mayan forest and described it as a place belonging solely to her people. Eren didn't really care who it belonged to, only that it smelled refreshing and sweet and that it meant she wouldn't be bothered by anyone.

Your turn! I'd love to hear a teaser from your work, be it published or a work in progress. Or if you don't feel like sharing your work, you can leave us a sentence or two from whatever you're reading.


  1. Nice teaser, here's one back at you …

    Nightfall - Fall 2011

    ...I tapped my headset to re-dial the last number.
    “Alison!” I shouted out at the wharf. Where was that girl? “Alison!” I shouted again before she finally picked up her phone.
    “Yeah?” Her sharp voice answered.
    “Time to go!” I snapped at her and started back to the main building.
    “Hold on, I think I might be on to something.” Alison’s voice pleaded over a gust of wind. I took the first door into the main storage area and held it open. I could see the lights of a police cruiser heading in our direction. The broken telephone pole had probably blacked out a section of town.
    “Not now. The Sheriff is almost here.”

  2. I love this PW! Excellent use of dialogue to show a tense scene, it makes me want to read more.

  3. Two nice teasers...
    I'm reading: Wings, by Karl Friedrich.

    Sally fell into step. For the first time, she was beginning to understand the real problem that face her. If everyone in America-from the Congress right down to the people in little towns like Sweetwater-found it easier to imagine women prostitutes than women pilots, how could the WASP ever hope to succeed?

  4. Loved it! I'm hoping more of us do this with our works. This is fun!

  5. Intriguing teaser! Thanks for sharing a bit from your book. :)

  6. I don't have a teaser but I loved yours. My only complaint was that it wasn't longer.

  7. Karlene, Wings sounds interesting! Thanks for the teaser.

    Lorelei, thank you! I loved yours today too. This is fun, I could get used to it!

    Shannon, aw, thanks.

    Golden Eagle, you're very welcome! :)

    Natalie, that's so sweet, thank you!

  8. I've read that! :)

    I can't do teasers right now, bc I am working on super secret project! More soon....

  9. Oooh, what a great mood created by that setting. Nice job!

    I'm currently reading The Doctor's Lady, by Jody Hedlund, and I'm loving it! It's historical fiction, which I love.

  10. Nice!!! I love teaser Tuesday! hmmm let's see

    So this is for my #REN3 story don't forget to check out my blog for more of the story during the month of Oct! :D

    Deep beneath the ground, in a long forgotten cavern, a young boy sits on a cold earthen floor twisting twine into rope. A soft glow flickers in the darkened room but it doesn’t give much light. His colorless eyes do not need the light to complete his task.

    “Tell me again, Naan, about the awakening,” he asks hopefully.

    He loves to hear this tale. It fills him with hope as his belly rumbles. There was a time when the rumble was soft and almost undetectable, but lately, it has become louder and more agitated.

  11. A purely random snippet from about page 500 (these epic fantasies take waaay too long to write):

    The bone doors shook as something heavy struck them again and again. Daylight stretched through the gaps in the doorframe with each blow. Ralen braced with his body and the soldiers with him moved to help.

    The wounded man at their feet was pale but breathing. It would be difficult to carry him down the long staircase. Better to leave him behind and seal the tunnel now. They all knew it--Ralen could tell from the sidewise looks the other soldiers gave the wounded man--—but no one said it.

  12. Love that Mayan forest, and all the earth moments in your book, Heather.

    I've been reading Fay Weldon short stories for breaks, lately. This is from "The Medium is the Message:' The ghost would have to be exorcised. Hugh had no doubt about it. Oriole had some doubts about the ghost. Ghosts did not exist. But some residual sense of the authority of the male over the female remained bedded in him; his it was to dictate the nature of the universe.

  13. Christa, sounds intriguing! Can't wait to hear about it.

    Julie, that's on my list of books to read! I love her writing!

  14. Saba, I love that, it reads beautifully!

    Lorel, wow talk about tension! Great scene!

    Linda, short stories area a great way to squeeze a bit of reading into a busy schedule. And his sound good!


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