Phantom Island Pep Rally

This week I'm welcoming a special guest to my blog to help me celebrate the release of my good friend's books. Krissi Dallas started out in self-publishing and her novel was so wonderful that it gained the attention of a traditional press, which has since picked it up, and now it's releasing! One of Krissi's students (did I mention she's a teacher?) is here with us to cheer Krissi on, get us pumped up for her novels, and to give us the inside scoop on one of Krissi's characters.

Welcome to my site Arley, thanks for coming!

Arley: Hi, Heather! It’s so exciting to be a part of the Phantom Island Pep Rally on your blog! My name is Arley Elon and I’m sixteen years old! You met Hannah on Monday at Yelena Casale’s blog, but you have to know that I am Krissi Dallas’s FAVORITE cousin (haha). When Krissi started writing the Phantom Island series, she named characters in the series after all ten of her first cousins, who vary in age from ten to twenty-three years old. My character’s name is Elon – after my middle name – and she is based off a younger version of myself through Krissi’s eyes. Krissi has been a very influential person in my life – especially when I was younger. Without Krissi, I wouldn’t be who I am today. She pretty much hooked me on reading - all starting with the famous Harry Potter series. And now I can’t stop reading! Without books I would be lost. She also inspired me to start writing my own stories!

Arley and Krissi at Pine Cover Family Camp a few years ago about to play a nighttime scavenger hunt:

Arley and Krissi during Krissi's birthday party. 

Arley: Krissi always had a way of making adventures out of the little things in life. For example, getting a snack out of the pantry was a top secret mission for the CIA. Sitting in the hammock together became a hot air balloon ride on a crazy adventure. And when Kelly Clarkson came out with the song, “Miss Independent,” a spontaneous hand puppet show was born. (GIRL POWER!) With Krissi, imagination has no limit. And that’s probably one of the reasons her books are so INCREDIBLY amazing. She has detail to a “T” and you feel like you’re experiencing what the characters are experiencing. As a junior in high school, boys are definitely on my mind and, seriously, the way Krissi describes Gabriel, the Island hottie…ugh! Why can’t he be mine?! The character of Elon is a Geodorian in the book – she’s in the Earth tribe (like Heather McCorkle) and really looks up to the character of Whitnee. But in real life, I see myself as an Aerodorian (Wind) like Whitnee (and like Krissi herself). The Phantom Island books will keep you wanting more every minute! So go on… READ IT. You don’t want to miss out on this adventure. And definitely go read more about my cousin, Krissi Dallas, over at Tee Tate’s blog on Friday!

Thanks for giving us the inside scoop Arley. You're right, I don't want to miss out on any part of this amazing lady's adventure. I hope you'll mark this link to Tee's blog for your must stop places on Friday everyone!

I hope you'll join me in ordering the first of Krissi's novels from her very own The White Island Shoppe. Until December this is the only place you'll be able to find them!

I'm a Geodorian, what tribe are you? Find out here.


  1. Wait! Ten first cousins? And Krissi named characters after all of them? That's so neat. Thanks Arley for sharing more about Krissi and the Phantom Island books. :)

  2. Congratulations, Krissi! The books look awesome! :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love that all ten cousins are represented in the books. Having met a couple of them on this tour, I can see they have wonderfully expressive personalities! This was a fun read, thanks Arley!

  5. Ten cousins - yes! And they're all way younger than me. Guess who babysat ALL THE TIME?! :) Thanks, Heather, for hosting the pep rally today!! And thank you, Ar-Ar, for the sweet words and constant support. I love the character of Elon and she DOES remind me of you when you were little - just a sweet little flower child. :)

  6. Thanks, Arley. Good luck, Krissi! Nice to hear about self-published book that get a publisher's attention.

  7. Big congrats to Krissi! It looks fabulous, and I love the covers. A pep rally - what a great idea.

  8. 10 first cousins is amazing! Congratulations Krissi and Heather on another successful journey on your Prep Rally! Go Team!!!

  9. Congrats to Krissi for get your self-published book traditionally published. It sounds fantastic and the covers look great.

  10. Thank you, all! I appreciate the encouragement - and I LOVE seeing all the different tribes represented on here! SO. FUN. :)

  11. I love this so very much. I love that Krissi has sold her books and I love that she has a student who is so dedicated to her. Yay!

  12. The covers are fantastic! Congratulations to Krissi on her success!

  13. Congratulations to Krissi! :)

    I'm Geodorian.

  14. This is too cool. Thanks for the spotlight!


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