Monday's Muse~Image

My inspiration last week may seem like an odd one. It was a bad review, no really. It inspired me to be more open and to be clearer about the content of my books. I had no idea that some of the content in my books would be too much for some, and recent reviews have made it clear that this is the case. And I’m okay with that. I don’t fault the reviewer. Not every book is for everyone.

I never would have thought of my books as dark, but then everyone’s opinion is different. It is clear to me now that there are indeed dark elements in my books and that they probably get darker as they go. I’m nowhere even near the same playing field as authors such as Suzanne Collins or Ellen Hopkins when it comes to dark content, but it does exist in my novels to a smaller degree. Rather than shy away from tough subjects and dark content, I’ve decided to embrace it and let my writing be what it is. I understand I may lose some readers who are looking for a lighter read, but that’s okay. I’d rather that than have them read it and be offended.

You may notice a touch of a makeover on the blog. That’s due in part to the inspiration. I’m giving my image an edgy lift to hopefully help make a clearer first impression.


  1. Love the green background and the 'edgy lift' on your blog! Yes, stick with your authentic voice!!!! It's a really good one. One of the best things about being a writer is that there's an audience for every type of writing. Every writer I know has discovered there are people who don't like her work for reasons basic to the nature of characterization or plot. It feels so personal, but it's usually really not. Your take on this—to be very clear about your content and stick to your style—is excellent.

    1. Thank you Linda! That means more than I can tell you.

  2. Stay true to your instincts about what you write, Heather. Life is one full of cognitive dissonance, shaded by both light and dark. That negative reviewer was just not your target audience. There are many of us who are -- many more than mine! You are doing something right! So stay with it. My prayers and support are with you, Roland

    Oh, it took me TWO tries on the twin word verification to comment today. I think you might get more comments if you stopped those for a time (just as an experiment, mind you) :-)

    1. Aw, thanks Roland. You're right, she certainly wasn't. And my friend, for some bizarre reason, the masses just haven't realized your brilliance yet. But they will, ah yes, they will. I'm off to try and get rid of word verification right now!

  3. What a lovely greeen. And I agree with everyone here. You have to be true to your voice.

  4. I thought something was a little different! I love it. <> I'm glad you took a positive view on a not so positive review. I have not had a chance to read the other books yet but I didn't think TSSK was dark at all espcially when you compare it to the hunger games and such. <> again :)

    1. Aw, thank you Saba. That means more than I can say. :)

  5. I really love the new look, Heather. You have a very healthy and WISE attitude. Keep it up. :)

  6. Love the new look. And I think for YA dark is okay. Even a bit in middle grade. I'm really excited about your new book. If you want to be interviewed at some point after it's release, e-mail me.

    1. You peeps are so supportive, you're making me cry, in a good way. Thank you Natalie! And I'm emailing you now sweetie because I'm pretty sure you told me to before and I've just been so scattered brained. Sorry about that!

  7. Kudos to you for sticking to your writing instincts.

    Great new blog look!

  8. Not everyone will love what we write and it's so subjective. I'm glad that you are staying true to your writing and just giving your readers a heads up. :)

    P.S. I love dark YA.

    1. Well said, my dear. And thank you so very much!

  9. Heather, I love the new look! Gorgeous. And, I never thought your books were too dark. We can't make everyone happy... so true. And I think that edgy and dark is what our teenagers gravitate to these days.
    Keep up what you're doing. You're wonderful1

  10. Dark? Now I really can't wait to finish the book I'm reading and pick up yours. *rubs hands in anticipation*


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