Monday's Muse~Snowy Landscapes

Though I can show you what my inspiration was last week, I can’t tell you why yet, it’s a secret. But an exciting one worth waiting for! But there is some good news I can tell you. Compass Press has dropped the price of paperback and eBook of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll. On Both B&N and Amazon, the paperback is now $12.99 and the eBook is $2.99.

To celebrate, I’m doing a giveaway of the paperback of the combination of my novella, Born Of Fire, and Christine Fonseca’s, Dies Irae. Two copies actually. To enter click below:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Born Of Fire & Dies Irae by Heather McCorkle

Born Of Fire & Dies Irae

by Heather McCorkle

Giveaway ends May 13, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win


  1. Arent' you just wonderful to do a giveaway. When the A to Z blogging challenge is over, I can't wait to put up my review of The Secret of Spruce Knoll. Here's a :-) as a hint.

    1. I do love doing giveaways, so fun! And oooo, I can hardly wait to read it!

  2. Your giveaway is currently hidden. Puppy, my visiting Hellhound, just chuffed in amusement at me seeking and not finding! LOL. I love snowy landscapes ... like my oldest hero, Hibbs, the bear with two shadows! Have a great week. Your hardcover of THE SECRET OF SPRUCE KNOLL has a place of honor in my new bookshelf! Roland

    1. Looks like they finally approved it. You should be able to access it now. Ah, I'm so flattered that my debut hardback has a place of honor on your bookshelf! *blushes*

  3. Love the pic! :) Is this from your area. So glad that you decided to do a giveaway -- I would love a chance to win so that I can share the books with the teens at my local library. :)

    1. I wish it was, but nope, this is from Colorado. Beautiful isn't it? I love your cause, best of luck in the contest!

  4. I'm not actually a snow lover, but that is beautiful. Love Aspens, and they are gorgeous in the snow. Nice prices on Spruce Knoll!

    1. I prefer tropical beaches myself, but I do love the snow as well. Forever torn, that's me. :) And thanks!!!

  5. Yay for snowy inspiration and lowered book prices!! :D

    1. After the 80 degree I've had, yay for snow indeed!

  6. Can't wait to hear about the secret and wow, what a beautiful inspirational landscape image!

    1. I'm pretty excited about it! Busy, busy, you know me. ;)


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