Tuesday Writing Tip~Connecting

Connecting with other writers is a fantastic way to stay inspired, keep your writing fresh, learn more about writing, and to build your platform. Gone are the days of the reclusive writer, and I say good riddance! It had romantic appeal back when I was a kid, dreaming of hiding out in a cabin, writing away my days with no one to bother me. But as an adult I look back at that fantasy and realize you can’t learn much all hidden away by yourself. And I love to keep learning!

Writing Tip: Get on Twitter and join in writer chats, or join Goodreads and chat with authors and/or readers. On Twitter Monday nights at 6pm PT there is #WritersRoad, Tuesday at 6pm PT there is the #IndieChat, and you can find other chats nearly every day of the week.

Speaking of chances to connect with authors… A week from today, April 17th at 5:00pm Pacific Time, the Indie Elite is hosting a live chat with author Christine Fonseca (YA novella Dies Irae, YA novel Lacrimosa, as well as acclaimed non-fiction titles) and myself (The Secret Of Spruce Knoll, Channeler’s Choice, and To Ride A Puca). We’ll be talking about our books, writing, reading, and everything in between. And we’ll be doing giveaways during the chat. You can win books and swag. Hope to see you there!


  1. I do enjoy interacting with others in the writing community. On the whole, they're friendly supportive! But I'm a working mom, so I still dream of that quiet room where nobody bothers me. :D

    1. They definitely are, part of why I love this community so much! Ah yes, wouldn't that quiet room be nice though?!

  2. Connecting with other writers is such a wonderful thing. I love the writing community. With all our differences and unique talents, we seem to have an appreciation for the struggles more of us go through on the road to publication.

    1. Me too! So very true. The struggles bring us together, despite our differences. That's a huge part of what I love so much about it.

  3. Heather, one day everyone will be healthy in my world, I will have my feet on the ground, and I won't be responsible for a baby and can join you again on one of your chats. They are amazing!

    1. One day soon I hope Karlene! You certainly need the breather that's for sure. Hang in there. You're in my thoughs!

  4. I love talking with other writers. It's so great to put voices and faces to your peeps, even if they're virtual! Online chats, blogs,conferences, all add energy and inspiration. Not to mention crit partners. LOVE talking to my crit partners ;-) I also still totally love solitude, too, though. Can't live with it all the time, but can't live without it. Split personality, anyone?

    1. LOL! I think we're all that way to some extent. The best of both worlds is always something we desire.

  5. Oh shoot, I put that last comment on the wrong post. Yikes. Sorry!

  6. Like Karlene, one day I will that something mythical called "free time!" Until then, I wish you and your friends great success! Roland

  7. Agreed! And SUCH a good way to find love and support... a whole network of WONDERFUL, AWESOME people there to nurse your wounds after a particularly hard set back. Writing peeps are the BEST!!

    Great advice, deary! Now if only I could get more "gun ho" about the twitter thing...

    1. They are indeed, you are! I'll get you on Twitter yet! It's where all the big kids hang out, you'll love it. ;)

  8. This is such a great and important tip. I have to say, connecting with the writing community has been my salvation and motivation, and continues to be every day - and that's the truth! :)


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