Wednesday Writing Goal~Break

Last week my writing (#writegoal for my Twitter peeps) was easy; take a much needed break since my edits were complete. Easy, yeah right. I failed. I totally didn't achieve my goal of a break. I edited another project, wrote bits on a new chapter for a project, and worked on a cover. *sigh* I'm going to try again this week. We'll see how that goes.

I've decided to add to Wednesday's post, reading goals. Partially because for an author I think it's just as important as writing, and partially because that way I feel like I met at least one goal. ;) So, last week's reading goal was to start reading a fabulous new author, and I did! I began reading Tears of the Broken, a YA paranormal by Aussie author A.M. Hudson and it's great so far!

How about you, did you achieve your writing goals last week? How about your reading goals?


  1. Wow, to fail at a break! LOL I understand how you feel, there's always something else to do. Hope you do get a bit of a break though, to recharge :)

    I just checked out the book, it sounds interesting and has great reviews. Will put it on my TBR list.

    I didn't achieve any writing goals last week (except for keeping up with the blog) because of a karate camp at our dojo. Next week the dojo is closed, so this weekend and next week I'm planning on doing some major writing (fingers crossed).

    1. Karate camp?! That sounds awesome! Excellent excuse, you're forgiven.

  2. Well at least you didn't extend your writing break. I'm just trying to write a bit everyday.

    Please e-mail me. I'd love to arrange an interview and book giveaway when your new book comes out.

    rmarma2 at yahoo dot com

    1. A bit every day is a great goal. And thanks! I'd love to stop by for an interview. I'll email you soon!

  3. Heather, I haven't achieved my goals for a very long time. Life has got me. So...I'm so glad to come here and see what others are doing.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. That happens Karlene, don't feel bad. Your goals will be there when you get back to them. :)

  4. LOL, you can't stop writing because it's what you love to do --- even when you're supposed to be taking a break!

    My software project is in the final stages, so I'm finding more free time to work on the novel.

    1. Ah, so true, so true. Yay for more writing time! I'm looking forward to reading a bit of it on our retreat!

  5. Still chugging along in edits, but I'm nearly to the end this week of this phase of edits.

    I usually take small breaks, like go for a walk, and now that weather is still very nice out, I'll be doing more gardening.

    I hope to be finished with edits in another couple of weeks, and then off it goes to publisher! Weeee!

    1. That's excellent! Congrats on being so close to being finished. I feel for you, that's where I was a short time ago. So exciting and exhausting at the same time!

  6. I'm behind in both reading and writing! Sigh. But such is life! Hopefully I catch up soon. :)

    1. Indeed, such it is. No worries though, I'm confident that you'll get back on track!

  7. Heh, it's hard to take a break when you're on a roll! I'm struggling with my writing goals right now because I'm at that stage of intensifying everything, which is slowing me down but I know it's the right thing to do. Reading goals: awesome! I'm reading WILD right now. Amazing story. Great for anyone looking to find the pith in their writing language.

    1. It definitely is! And slowing down can be a very good thing so bravo to you. Hmm, WILD, I may have to check that out.

  8. Goals. I've forgotten what they are! Ah well, next month :-)

    1. I have those times too, hang in there. And you're right, there is always next month. :)

  9. Why is it so hard to take a break? I finished my MS last night, and was all antsy, like "What do I do now? What do I do now?" I ended up combining my MS into one doc, opening another and printing the notes for it. THEN I took a break, but it's back to editing today!

    1. LOL! Yes, that's exactly what I did! I kind of went a little crazy when I didn't have it to work on. :)

  10. Isn't it funny how we can't seem to turn it off? Even when we're not working, our brains are. I'm on track with my writing and reading goals, so I can't complain (too much ;)

    1. It is indeed! Glad to hear that you're on track with your goals!

  11. yea, next month, next year, this is the direction. I never follow my goals. It s sad, I know it...


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